Brogan Brian Bell

Congratulations to you, such a lovely name - Brogan
What a wonderful birth story fork all those girls wanting a home birth on here X
What a super story, huge congrats to you all xx
wow so quick karen!!! i'm jealous. do you have any tips to give me to make it so quick? such a lovely story anyway hun, sounds like home births are really worth looking into, and your husband was good for being so alert :love: congratulations hunni bet you're over the moon, brogan is such a lovely unique name! xxx
Wow i'm amazed, that was so quick, well done to hubbie for calling the MW so soon. Can't wait to see pics, hope all is going well and like Ria said any tips so we have similar quick births would be very much appreciated LOL xx
WOW so many new arrivals this week. CONRATULATIONS! and well done such a quick labour xx

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