bringing you up to date with me


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2007
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Thanks Moofa for updating the girls first of all.

Well as you all know friday I was in hossy for a few hrs due to a bleed which we believe was caused by having sex but also we believe had a bit of mucus with it, I was examined, baby was monitored and I was sent home. Bleeding stopped on the saturday but been having a few niggles, yesterday was having regular contractions about every 20-30 minutes last about 30 secs so didnt do much about them, had a bath and things settled down. Woke up during the night moaning in half a sleep state as was really uncomfortable. This morning woke up and vomited big time which was bright yellow bile stuff and quite a bit of it, after finishing sicking up went to the toilet to find some slimy stuff in my knicks but was a tingy green colour, phoned my friend who used to be a midwife to ask her advice and she told me to get checked out as could be a sign of infection so phoned doctor and got an appointment at 10.30am, went to see him and explained what was happening with me and he was like oh we dont deal with pregnant ladies at your stage phone the maternity ward so I did that and they told me to go in, i'm having contractions and baby is fully engaged and i've got to keep an eye out for anymore greenish mucus stuff as apparantly it can be a sign that baby pooped inside but because I havent lost anymore they're not too worried about me.
What a nightmare hun! :wall: :hug: Big hugs to you and it's great that you got it checked out. We hear you're in very early labour April :wink: Woo hoo! Could be very soon then!

Good luck and thanks for keeping us update :hug: x
God, yeah nightmare hun !!! Least babies defo on their way now, final countdown !!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
Good luckkk, make sure you keep us updated :) !!
:hug: :hug: good luck and hoping everything is ok with you and baby :hug:

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