Breech baby


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2015
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We had our 36 week midwife appointment this week and found out our baby is in the breech position. We have a scan next week to confirm the position and will then be given options as to what we want to do. Is anyone else in this situation or has been in previous pregnancies? I've been trying to read up on options online but everything seems to have massive negatives!
Take a look at the spinning babies website they have lots of info x
My lo was breech till he was 35 wks but moved on his own, get very active this msy help x
Go to the AIMS website, they are brilliant with positive information
My friends baby was breach and she ended up having a c section. She didn't want them to move the baby as this can have negatives and baby wouldn't move so they told her she needed a planned c section. Hope your baby moves for you x
Our daughter was breech at around 35/36 weeks but she turned on her own an arrived at 37+6 naturally after being back to back for a bit which was the most painful part of her labour xx
Now stalking this as was told today at 35+4 that ours is a likely breech. Scan to confirm on Wed.
Forgot to update you all! Scan on Christmas Eve showed baby had turned head down again :)
Little monkey is keeping you on your toes already :lol: That's great news hun! Hope baby stays head down now! x

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