Breech babies...


Mar 22, 2005
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My baby is breech at the moment (beginning of week 33).
I wondered is anyone else is in the same position, and if so, what are they planning to do?
I might do a C-section in week 38-39 if the baby doesn't turn round since the doctor said that turning her can sometimes cause complications and she might turn back to be breech if she favors that position.

Anyone know any statistics on when babies turn from being breech?
I've read that going on your hands and knees and swaying forwards and backwards a couple of times a day encourages the baby to turn - it's gotta be worth a try :)
Hi Shell, someone my OH works with has her baby in the breech position, she is booked to see the OB, who will manipulate the baby with his fingures and 'turn' the baby, but apparently there is a 50% chance of it turning round again, but it dosent hurt to give this a go. once to get to your last week or so of pregnancy they can see if its still head down, if not take it from there.
hi alot of my pregnancy buddies have worked during their pregnancy normally spending alot of time sat down and all their babies are breech. im a house wife so i spend alot of time bending over and on my hands a knees (as we have laminate flooring that i clean constantly!) and my baby is the right way round. my midwife said its definatly to do with that because since women started working instead of cleaning (sexist i know) alot more babies are breech nowadays. are you on maternitny leave?
i dont actually sit on my sofa any more just incase he turns! so i sit with my knees on a cushion and lean over a bean bag. it moulds to your belly without putting pressure on it and i find that really comfy. try that for a while! :D

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