Breech baby birth


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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Does anyone have experience of having a normal birth with a breech baby?

Midwife is currently unsure of my baby's position so i might be having a scan next week if he hasnt turned properly. Im not sure what it will mean for me if he is breech and stays that way during labour? xx
they will try turning him if this fails or you refuse it to be done the safest way to deliver is a c section hun x
I know 2 ppl that have delivered breech (bum 1st) if baby is feet first (footling) then c section is the only option. It depends a lot on your consultant,I know my friends consultant was the only 1 at the hospital willin to deliver a breech baby naturally.
At the end of the day it is your decision but u have to weigh up the risks,the hospital will reccommend c section but it is still your decision at the end of it xxx
Thanks Emma. From the info ive found online a lot of women do have normal births with breech babies but i think it can be a longer more difficult delivery with assistance :-( I dont know whats worse - that or a c section! x
As Emma said you can have normal delivery with a bum first baby (and there's no research to prove that having a c section is the safest route if baby is bum first) but not with a foot first baby. I was very very interested in this whilst expecting as I'm terrified of having a section and did loads of reading and researching on it.
your baby still has time to turn yet hun so try not to worry about it mine has now turned and is head down :)
My baby tried to come out feet first, she was a missed breach :( I was offered the option to deliver vaginally but they advised there may be some oxygen starvation so I went for an emergency section instead

Emma x


Hopefully he will turn yet. He isnt feet first as far as i know his head is down but he may be bum first.

Anyone know how they try to turn the baby? x
i think its called an ecv when was your last MW appointment?
Hi hun,

I'm having the same problem, mines been transverse for months now he must like it that way :) Yesterday I had an ECV External Cephalic Version and they turned him head down. If he moves again they will move him round again but induce me after so that I have a natural birth. The consultant yesterday said they prefer not to do breech births these days but I guess it depends on the consultant. I have my midwife tomorrow so she'll see if he's turned again. Which he has I think, I also have another scan booked at the hospital Tuesday to check if he's stayed round. if he hasnt then that's when i'll either have the induction or they'll book it. Who knows. The ECV isn't that bad either. Little uncomfy but not too bad. Good luck :) xxxx
I had an ECV with Evelyn at 35 weeks and it was a piece of cake. I've heard of people needing entinox and other pain relief but I felt no pain at all so don't worry if you need one, it's just a little uncomfortable when they get to the transverse position.

My hospital were unwilling to allow a vaginal delivery of a breech baby as she was my first, however if she was my second and i'd had a good first birth they'd have considered it. Good luck - if you have any questions about ECV's then feel free to ask hun x
Thanks girls thats made me feel a lot better!

i think its called an ecv when was your last MW appointment?

Ive got midwife next week and ill have a scan next week if he hasnt shifted position so i guess after that they would offer me an ECV x
hi Cherelle, your baby can still turn Hun, my baby only turned at around 36 weeks, and until then she'd been breech for about 6 weeks, so I was worried that she wouldn't move. Keep bouncing on your birthing ball and sleeping on your left side, and putting your feet up above head height is meant to help, but I could never stand it as it made my heartburn unbearable. xx
Just to let you know after my unsuccessful ECV in which he turned round again to transverse, I had a check up yesterday and he has now turned head down by himself so this can happen late so try not to worry. I was annoyed as thought then I woul dhave him turned again and induced but now I have to wait some more to meet him as he's gone the right way now. I'm sure yours will be fine too hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks everyone, i went for my check today and fortunately he has moved and is no longer breech :)

Thanks for all the replies xx

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