breech baby


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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When midwifes tell you your baby is breech, how far along are you before they tell you, your going to need a c-section? Is it when you go into labour? I got told my baby is breech and it feels like shes always curled up under my ribs and it feels like she's never gonna turn, and i wouldn't want her to be turned by a doc or midwife, i can't stand it when midwifes poke and prod my belly to feel the baby's position as it is.
i was told at my 36 week app with doc, but i was going to have as section anyway hun, so i dont really know tbh sorry.

But i have heard of peoples babies turning at 37 weeks so maybe they leave u right till 37/38 weeks before they decide hun
yeah i figured it would be left until really late because my friends baby diddnt turn until 1 week before she was due. Everything has been going pretty well with this pregnancy *touch wood* but it seems to be going too well and i'm just waiting for something to happen lol.

Why are you having a section anyway if you don't mind me asking?
1st baby was huge and would not come out, so when they scanned this baby its not so big but has a huge head :rotfl: , so my doctor would not allow me to try and have a normal delivery, and to top it off baby is breech anyway, and he is still breech hasnt turned since 36 weeks, so thats it hun

Hope ur baby turns :hug:
:shock: oh my gosh...your having a baby....for 17 days! how scary must that be lol! i'd be pooping myself if i knew the exact date!
its less than 17 days hun, iam having my section on the 12th sept!!!

and yes iam bricking it :rotfl:

but it will all be worth it in the end :hug:
Oh yeah lol, exuse me, i really do hope my brain returns post pregnant lol! I just looked at the bottom of the ticker and it said 17 days hehe. Well good luck and congratulations!!!
they will normally know by 38 wks if thet are gonna do a c section, i had a growth scan at 36 wks & they found at that the baby was in the transverse position, laying sideways accross me & i had to have a re scan last week at 38 wks to check position again & luckily for me he/she has moved, so no section for me.

i think if he/she had still been sideways then they would have booked me in for 39 wks c section.

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