breat feeding at 7

weestar21 said:
dont mean to sound funny hear but what will happen to her breasts after she does stop BF, mines went really droopy after 6 weeks never mind 7 years
sorry i know its a weird question

Its pregnancy that affects breast shape, not breastfeeding. As long as you wear a good fitting, supportive bra your puppies should be ok. :D
:lol: i wore an under wire bra is that why mines went off the scales then?
Icecream said:
I wouldn't feel right breastfeeding a 1yr old. I would have to stop way before that if I did go beyond 6 months. They have so much character at about 10 months onwards and start growing up and doing things for themselves. Definitely wrong.

Woman of many words. :lol: Sorry gotta agree but I guess everyone feels comfortable at different times. My son was bottle fed, he's always been really healthy. I only wanna feel for selfish reasons this time, to loose some of the weight.
Not sure who you were agreeing with sorry but like I said however you want to feed your baby is up to you. No-one should be attacked for choosing how to feed their child.
7 year olds are a lot older nower days and know what boobs are and that they are personal things, So I agree its VERY wrong to feed a child this old.

I have my personal opinon and after baby is 1 is too long.

Its like saying baby food has more "iron" (for example) in it so I will give it too my baby till she is 7!! Yes breast milk is good but not essenial after the first year xxxx
I am still breastfeeding my son at 11 and a half months. He loves the comfort and the closeness and so do I. I feel happy about the choice to feed him until he's ready to stop - I fed my daughter for 18months when she weaned herself off breastmilk.

What a wonderful start I'm giving my son in the world - I don't care what anyone else thinks....

Emilia xx :wave:
Keely said:
Its like saying baby food has more "iron" (for example) in it so I will give it too my baby till she is 7!! Yes breast milk is good but not essenial after the first year xxxx

Essential maybe not but certainly beneficial both physically and emotionally.

Studies have shown that a child's immune system doesn't completely mature until about 6 years of age, and it is well established that breast milk helps develop the immune system and augment it with maternal antibodies as long as breast milk is produced (up to two years, no studies have been done on breast milk composition after two years post partum).


There is no evidence that breastfeeding a child beyond infancy is harmful. Quite the opposite is true: breastfeeding benefits toddlers and young children, both nutritionally and psychologically. Breastmilk remains a valuable source of protein, fat, calcium, and vitamins well beyond two years of age. (1) Immunities in breastmilk become more concentrated as nurslings mature; (2) at the same time, the likelihood of allergies decreases. (3) Mothers who nurse past infancy derive benefits as well, including a decreased risk of breast and ovarian cancer the longer she continues nursing. (4)

Breastfeeding is a warm and loving way to meet the needs of toddlers and young children. It not only perks them up and energizes them; it also soothes the frustrations, bumps and bruises, and daily stresses of early childhood. In addition, nursing past infancy helps little ones make a gradual transition to childhood. In fact, prolonged nursing is associated with better social adjustment. (5)

And whilst I agree you are entitled to your personal opinion, please remember that you are saying that I am breastfeeding for "too long", and that is a hurtful thing for me to hear. I know its not everyones cup of tea but I do this because both me and Seren enjoy nursing.

Emilia, hi hun.Its great to hear from someone who also has a booby monster :D
beanie said:
And whilst I agree you are entitled to your personal opinion, please remember that you are saying that I am breastfeeding for "too long", and that is a hurtful thing for me to hear. I know its not everyones cup of tea but I do this because both me and Seren enjoy nursing.

I do not mean to offend anyone with my opinions

I think the problem some people have is in looking at it from a purely anthropological view, as the lady on vanessas show said.

Everyone has thier own opinion and thats fine, each to thier own, but righting it off as just plain wrong and/or "child abuse" is narrow minded at best.

The breast is first and foremost a baby feeder, thats its purpose. I reckon some people find it hard to seperate it from being a sexual organ - not surprising really as boobs are touted all over the place as being sexy and desirable - but its this difficulty in seeing breasts as something other than sexual that prevents our society from being totally ok with breast feeding as its meant to be.

Why do people recoil and say continuing into childhood is wrong? Do they picture a child suckling at its mothers boob as sick because of the culture we have created of embarassement and shame surrounding the natural body? Does the image of a baby suckling seem warm and comforting, nurturing, motherly, while the image of a child suckling seem sick and perverted?

I dont see anything wrong with it atall, and I hope that when we have a bay I can be as commited as that lady.
glitzyglamgirl said:
I reckon some people find it hard to seperate it from being a sexual organ - not surprising really as boobs are touted all over the place as being sexy and desirable -

Its true in the "olden days" hehe, there was no page 3 or boob jobs so now people see boobs as sexual!
Well said Glitzyglamgirl ... I'm with you on that!! :hug:

Emilia xx
I will stop breastfeedin Jamie in a few mths i think but am happy to do so now, i dont have a prob with how long women breastfeed their kids for cos its their choice but what gets on my wick is the whole breastfeedin in public - yes or no? argument!!! :x

the amount of old women who sit there tutting while i feed Jamie in a cafe etc (with a shawl over him so u cant see anythin) makes me wanna throw tea all over their wrinkly mushes!!! :x :x
I am in agreement with Emilia, Glitzy and sorry but child abuse? oh come on...leave it out....the children really put up a fight and it hurts them dosnt it? :roll:

no, absolutly not...what about the parents that dont feed their children, the parents that sexually, emotionally and physically abuse their children? the parents that scream swear and shout at their children constantly....that is child abuse.

Not showing your child love and enjoying a close relationship with them while they are still young...each to their own,,,if its not your cup of tea thats fine, but dont sit down in disgust..she obviously dosnt care what anybody else thinks and fair play to her!
i agree, theres so many people out there who dont deserve their kids with the way they treat them, its sick!!!

i must admit, i didnt wana breastfeed at first cos boobs are sex objects to me which i didnt wana associate with my lovely innocent bubba but after gettin past that i think its a lovely comfortin and tender thing :D
cassi said:
Not showing your child love and enjoying a close relationship with them while they are still young...each to their own,,,if its not your cup of tea thats fine, but dont sit down in disgust..she obviously dosnt care what anybody else thinks and fair play to her!

But then to me cassi reading that statement, I read that as you saying if someone choose not to B/F then they are not showing their child love or will not have a close relationship with them and I think that is complete bollocks as well! That is just as narrow minded and saying its wrong to B/F so late on.

(pre-appologies if this is not what you ment, but its how I read it!)
jennywren said:
cassi said:
Not showing your child love and enjoying a close relationship with them while they are still young...each to their own,,,if its not your cup of tea thats fine, but dont sit down in disgust..she obviously dosnt care what anybody else thinks and fair play to her!
(pre-appologies if this is not what you ment, but its how I read it!)

Well I accept your apology because i am in now way saying that and wouldnt ffs, Jakob is mostly bottle fed at the moment because we are having problems with breastfeeding..i did not say what you just stated at all please read my post through again if you still think so.
everyone has different opinions in this subject as we can all see but persoanlly i think its getting slightly personal.

I think its great that mothers who are able to BF for a long time is great and i wished i didnt dry up after 6 weeks with Adele and i wish my boobs werent so painfull and i whished Colby tookto it but she didnt, but i still say i have a lovely relationship with both my girls.

Best of wishes everyone who is BF and keep up the good work everyone who is being a mummy


*leaves this thread as ive expressed my opinions*
cassi said:
jennywren said:
cassi said:
Not showing your child love and enjoying a close relationship with them while they are still young...each to their own,,,if its not your cup of tea thats fine, but dont sit down in disgust..she obviously dosnt care what anybody else thinks and fair play to her!
(pre-appologies if this is not what you ment, but its how I read it!)

Well I accept your apology because i am in now way saying that and wouldnt ffs, Jakob is mostly bottle fed at the moment because we are having problems with breastfeeding..i did not say what you just stated at all please read my post through again if you still think so.

Ive re-read youro post mate but I still dont get what your meaning. I understand the child abouse thing, completley agree with you there, but I dont get what your meaning sayinf the ''not showing your child love and enjoying a close relationship'' bit?

sorry didnt mean to offend you - glad I got that ore-appology in ha ha
hun i mean that showing your child love cant possibly be classed as child abuse, be it with a bottle or breast :)

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