breat feeding at 7


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2006
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I watched venessa feltz new show today for the first time there was a woman on there who thought it was natural that she breat fed her kids till they were 7 and her one child wanted a breat feed on mom for her 9th birthday and she also thought that was ok.

seems gross to me.

What do you think
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm at seven and nine? wrong wrong wrong! I was eating spag bol, lasagne, sausage chips and beans etc, not chowing down on my mums nips, nah there is a limit, and thats way way beyond it
I think 7 & 9 is defo far too old to be breast fed
yeh its just not right.

I saw a whole programme on it once and it showed the kids suckling at 5, 6,7 etc and it looked just weird. The would just go up to their mums and whop their boobie out and start sucking opn it while their mum was talking to friends / camera or whatever! Also all the kids were unsociable and extremley clingy and didnt want to leave their mummys sides!
jennywren said:
yeh its just not right.

I saw a whole programme on it once and it showed the kids suckling at 5, 6,7 etc and it looked just weird. The would just go up to their mums and whop their boobie out and start sucking opn it while their mum was talking to friends / camera or whatever! Also all the kids were unsociable and extremley clingy and didnt want to leave their mummys sides!

i think i sawthat too then they triedto do areccord breaking thing for the most suckling babiesat the one time in one room?
im sure they didnt break the reccord though

but i think its wrong to be honest at that age

i think to one or two at most really maybe three wouldnt be too bad but as soon as the start school nursery i think it should stop i cant see why a child of 7 seven needs breastmilk they get everything they need from food and cows milk and these mums must have nothing to do or something it takes up a lot of time plus would have adverse afect on the boobies i think too.

:shock: well i watched some programme not too long ago about women who breast feed till they children where 6,9 and even 11 :shock: you should have seen it a big girl who was lying on the bed while her mother breast feed her... :puke: it was nice she's nearly a teenager :wall: oh well that was on channel 4 a while back still.

i wonder if that 11 yr old is still being breastfed, surely at 11 you know thats wrong, at 11 you start to realise your body is different anyway, im pretty sure at 11 i wud of felt really uncomftable sucking on my mums tat
I saw that!! And then they had a guy drinking his own pee - need I say anymore!!

Oh yeh, wrong wrong WRONG!!!

S. xx
Sick in the head, the mum should have got done for child abuse. I watched that programme on her with her two daughters and also on Vanessa yesterday. I think over 2 is too old personally but that age, eww.
I wouldn't feel right breastfeeding a 1yr old. I would have to stop way before that if I did go beyond 6 months. They have so much character at about 10 months onwards and start growing up and doing things for themselves. Definitely wrong.
Icecream said:
I wouldn't feel right breastfeeding a 1yr old. I would have to stop way before that if I did go beyond 6 months. They have so much character at about 10 months onwards and start growing up and doing things for themselves. Definitely wrong.

Fair enough it wouldn't feel right to YOU but to say that after ten months it is definately wrong is a bit much. I am still breastfeeding my daughter who is 11 and a half months, and plan to do so until she decides to stop. There are a lot of benefits to extended nursing and the world average age for weaning of the breast is 4 years. Fair enough if you don't want to feed that long, don't, that is your personal choice. But don't describe my choice as definately wrong.

Whilst I personally would not want to be feeding when my child is 7 I think the term child abuse is a bit strong too. Her children seem happy and secure and I have no doubt that she is doing what she thinks is best.
i don't think 1 year old is too old to breast feed either beanie.
People make kids grow up far too quickly now. I think up to the age of three is acceptable to breastfeed but then after that i wonder who gets the pleasure the child or the mother :think: :shock: 7 is way to old :puke:

my mother fed me until i was 2 and i have memories of her feeding me. Nice memories of closeness and warmth :)
budge said:
my mother fed me until i was 2 and i have memories of her feeding me. Nice memories of closeness and warmth :)

aww thats a lovely memory. Seren really bit me the other day so am rethinking the whole extended feeding thing :rotfl:

I thought I would want to finish at 1 year before I started breastfeeding, then it was 2. However all the research I have read makes me just think that she will choose for herself when to stop, which I think the majority of children do before the age of 3 :?
Personally I think aged 2 is old enough but I couldn't see myself feeding after a year.
At the end of the day it is all down to personal choice. I don't understand why this woman is vilified as she is though, there are far worst parents out there, and her children seem happy and very empathic whereas you read about all these little ASBO kids out late at night. I just think there are worst things to do, and whilst its not something I would do I have to admire her for standing up for her beliefs and for doing something she believes very passionatly about.
dont mean to sound funny hear but what will happen to her breasts after she does stop BF, mines went really droopy after 6 weeks never mind 7 years
sorry i know its a weird question

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