Breastfeeding support thread

The visitors weren't bad at all. My hubby's work sent out some people to asses his work station at home to see if he needs any special equipment. Dh is on a phased return to work after being on long term sick for nearly 8 months. He's working from hem until his condition gets better.

Dh ordered us a travel system (we were given a second hand pram from a work mate of mine) but it's heavy, hard to fold, and massive even when folded. I saw the new one at mothercare so I had a play with it :) Still haven't managed to pump, but I will give it a go sometime before I go to bed. I guess if I can't guarantee I do it in the morning, I just at least make sure I pump sometime before bed.
Oh dear, I'm sorry you both had bad nights. Well done for keeping going with it, lots of people would've given up with it by now I'm sure. I've been thinking of trying her with a little dummy for the evenings when she just won't settle and wants to comfort suck, what do you think?

Hope the expressing goes okay, I have managed to get 1.5oz so far today, am going to try again as soon as lo calms down. She's unsettled at the moment so can't get much done, am just sat rocking her in her bouncer waiting for dh to get home and take over!
Great idea for a thread Maud. My little girl is now 5 months old. No one prepares you for how hard bf is in the beginning but it is worth sticking with it! My lo didn't feed well at night in the beginning, took hours to feed so I expressed and fed those at night time. It wasn't easy though as I had to express in the night as well as feed but this was often still faster than trying to bf. She didn't get any confusion and eventually was better at latching and we went on to fully bf. She now takes a bottle well which is nice to be able to have some help. Xx
SR35 - very impressed with your 1.5 oz! I didn't express until just after 9 tonight and got less than 1. :shock:
Hello ladies... Glad to find this thread!

My little girl is 6 days old and I'm struggling a bit... Generally she is a very good baby but I'm just not sure when she's actually hungry, going by all the hunger ques they talk about... She feeds until she comes off herself and then falls asleep, then when I try and put her down into her Moses basket the squirming and hand eating starts, so I end up lifting her and she feeds a bit more and then the same again... During the day it's not too bad because if I just let her sleep on me she will sleep for a long time, but it's hard to get her to sleep in her basket! Last night we went up to bed and we started to feed at 10.45... I finally got her to sleep in the basket at 1.30 after lots of upping and downing in and out of her basket... Am I mistaking normal wriggling for hunger ques?

Just now she fed for 35 mins and she fell asleep, tried to put her down and she wouldn't settle, now she's lying on DH happily snoozing!

Has anyone any advice? x
Hello ladies... Glad to find this thread!

My little girl is 6 days old and I'm struggling a bit... Generally she is a very good baby but I'm just not sure when she's actually hungry, going by all the hunger ques they talk about... She feeds until she comes off herself and then falls asleep, then when I try and put her down into her Moses basket the squirming and hand eating starts, so I end up lifting her and she feeds a bit more and then the same again... During the day it's not too bad because if I just let her sleep on me she will sleep for a long time, but it's hard to get her to sleep in her basket! Last night we went up to bed and we started to feed at 10.45... I finally got her to sleep in the basket at 1.30 after lots of upping and downing in and out of her basket... Am I mistaking normal wriggling for hunger ques?

Just now she fed for 35 mins and she fell asleep, tried to put her down and she wouldn't settle, now she's lying on DH happily snoozing!

Has anyone any advice? x

I was told by my mw that when lo fell asleep on my boob to wind him, wake him up and pop him back on to make sure he was full. I remember in the early days it felt like he was always hungry and showing hunger signs so I was forever feeding. X
You see one midwife told me that and I had been doing it, she explained to look at it like starter main course and dessert, but then another midwife told me not to do that and to try setting her down, I find it very frustrating when they are all telling me different things, I see a different midwife each time! Some say not to let her go any more than 3 hours without a feed, then iv been told 4,5 and even 6 hours!

Tonight i started to feed at 11.30 expecting to be at it on and off for hours and she fed for just 12 mins, i tried to wake her up by winding and she was out for the count, DH took her off me, popped her in her basket and she didn't stir, I couldn't believe it, I was worried 12 mins wasn't enough... She's now taking some more as she woke at 2.15, hoping she goes down easy after this one, thanks for your reply Becky1 x
Thanks sprk, in the end I expressed 3 times yesterday and managed to get about 4.5oz in total. Dh gave her it at about 10.30pm and she still wanted more! So I breast fed for a bit until she was sleepy and then she went in her crib. Unfortunately she then woke up at around 12.15am. I didn't think she could be hungry so decided to try her with a dummy as lots of people have suggested. Well it worked and she went back to sleep., although she cried every time it fell out, BUT she then didn't wake up for her next feed. I waited until 4.30am and then thought I had better wake her really. Not sure if this was right or not? Just thought it wasn't a good idea for her to go that long without a feed. Dummy certainly worked though!

Coach queenie, I have had the same problems with settling my lo as well. Have you tried a hot water bottle in her bed before you put her in? This certainly seemed to help my lo. Also if you think she has fed enough and is just comfort sucking have you considered a dummy? My dh was against it but it really helped settle her tonight. Well done tho, you are doing really well by the sound of it.
You guys are all doing fab! I miss these days so much! Sounds nuts I know but I love the newborn stage even though it's so incredibly hardwork. I've often just held baby to sleep during the day and co slept at night. I keep banging on about co sleeping (sorry) but it's a life safer! They sleep better being close to you and you get to nap while they feed! They love being close to and cuddle makes them feel safe.

And well done anyone that's managing to express. I've never been very good at expressing although I had tried more with my third but I've never been hugely successful unfortunately. And my second had a dummy it definitely helps with comfort sucking. I think I just made sure I offered it after a feed rather than instead of so I didn't affect supply in the early days.

Anyway excuse my rambling. You are all doing fab. And just remember it does get easier and feeds get shorter. And use plenty of lansinoh Xxx
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Aw thanks for your reply SR35... DH does keep suggesting the hotwater bottle but a midwife in the hospital told me it was a big no no incase baby over heats but I'm sure if I'm sensible about the temp of it and taking it out a few mins before she goes in it should be ok, I might try that tonight :)

I have dummies here just incase but was hoping to avoid them, she isn't screeching the place down or anything which it great I suppose

We seemed to have a much better night last night so I'm a happy bunny this morning :)

Thanks for your reply also HL28 :) sounds like the co sleeping is great but I think I would be far too nervous of me or DH rolling over on top of her or something xx
I would def try heating the basket before putting lo in it. I did it last night with a heat pad. I took out it in 30 min before bed, took it out a few min before bed and she stayed asleep wonderfully! I'm going to be doing this quite a bit lol.

Emily slept till 2:20 and I actually felt refreshed when I woke up. I think I had slept for 4 hours :D She are quickly and went back down very well. Unfortunately she woke up at 3, but just needed a cuddle. I think she just wanted a night long cuddle, as every time I put her back she would wake up. (Hmmmm maybe need the heating pad at night too?) I ended up falling asleep with her on me from 3-4 and then from 5-6. She slept in her basket till 7 after that. Glad dh didn't see, he'd of been upset as he worries about safety. I admit, I'm not a co sleeper myself, but I just fell asleep. It was the best night in a week!
I have got a Scottie all nighter heat pad which you microwave for 6 mins and it then stays hot all night so saves having to keep going downstairs at night.

Sprk glad you had a better night, it feels so good when you just get that bit extra doesn't it?! I also put lo in bed with me for the 7am feed, she fed while I was laying down and then stayed there afterwards.

I'm a bit annoyed this morning, I just cleared up the bottles that dh gave lo last night and he only gave her two of the three that I expressed so no wonder she was still hungry! I know it's not his fault, he obviously just didn't realise there was another one but it's such a waste!! Men!!
With regards to co sleeping they're safer sleeping next to rather than on you in my opinion. Only reason I say this is mainly the big no no with someone falling asleep on a sofa with a baby. Please ignore this but this is how I've always done it.

I have a bed guard my side of the bed and baby mainly stays this side. My husband is very good and aware of baby in the bed but others might not be so I still kept her my side when all were tiny. I slept in a dressing gown and duvet wrapped around me then a separate blanket on baby. I sleep on my side facing baby arm curled under my head on a pillow baby sleeps below pillow. (Advice is no pillows) and I do not move out of that position! When they get older I admit I just roll over latch them on either side and go back to sleep and they do have duvet on them. I honestly believe as a BF mum you are incredibly in tune with baby. Mine rarely ever cried at night because I'd be awake as soon as the started snuffling around looking for boob. So I was never worried about rolling on them after I got used to them being there. I completely understand it's not for everyone! But I'd prefer to do it this way then worry about falling asleep feeding and them slipping down. And dummies also reduce risk of sids so I know people hate them and I'm one that did they are worth using if your baby needs them. It's a comforter! Only my second really had one but didn't rule it out with third but she just didn't seem to need it . Sorry if I'm rambling again xxx
Hi HL28, I have started using a dummy just at night which is a miracle for getting her to settle, but during the night she cries whenever it falls out which is often! So my sleep is still just as broken using this. Any tips?!
It takes them quite a while unfortunately to be able to control the dummies! I'm not sure what to suggest! I'll have a think! Lol xxx
Oh just thought have you tried cherry dummies? Do you know what ones I mean? They done fall out as easily because they're bigger x
Oh I haven't heard of those, will check them out, thank you! xx
Cherry dummies are the old fashioned kind - I found some in wilkos. They weren't for newborns tho. My lo never mastered the art of dummies (or a bottle!) X
I still think you can get different age cherry dummies. I'd look in boots or some where with a big selection. My Son iked 'mam' ones. They were flatish ones. It's so hard to describe what his looked like. Cherry ones are like a ball shape at the end on teat and my sons ones a bit like a squashed cherry dummy lol. Sorry not much help. Maybe Google it lol xxx
Tesco has newborn cherry dummies by tommee tippee. Too bad Emily refuses it lol. I can't get her to take any kind of pacifier.

Expressing went well this morning...just over 2 oz in one go! Didn't have a chance to express later in the day though. After my 3 pm appt at the gp she decided to marathon feed again. I just got her down for bed but she's starting to sound a bit unsettled on the monitor. Days like this where all she wants is to eat really get to me. I do to enjoy feeding her and just want to put her down. I know 'it gets better' but I'm not sure how long I can hold out before I give in and get some formula. I know how bad I would feel do ng itp, though. Pretty sure dh would be disappointed too (not that he would say it).

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