Breastfeeding (more traffic here)


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2012
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My lg is 8 months. She is on 3 meals. We do blw and she eats like a champ! My concern is she only breastfed a 3 times a day and I'm not sure she's that bothered about one of her feeds. She feed at around 5am, mid afternoon and before bed. 99% of the time I offer her is in the afternoon. This week she's only asked for it once. I'm not sure this is enough
You are best offering as much as possible for as long as you want to continue breastfeeding.

"Don't offer, don't refuse" is a gentle weaning method.

Babies between 6 & 18 months are easily distracted and pre-occupied. At this age they are making the most of their new-found mobility, mastering crawling/standing/walking etc, and into everything. This can cause them to "forget" about breastfeeding.

Ideally you should still be offering a breastfeed before each meal, to ensure milk stays the main part of the diet before 12 months. And keep additional fluids like water (or juice) to a minimum. a couple of ounces with meals is plenty.

If you are wanting to keep breastfeeding, keep offering it as much as you can :)
I have tried offering it more but she just has a little suck and pushes against me. I've tried taking her off somewhere quiet but that makes no difference. She was unwell recently and waking more in the night so I tried offering it more then but she's not interested. She's completely different to my son. He would have it as often as you offered but at 10 months wouldn't take it anymore that was then end for us. I have a horrible feeling she's going to be the same and that makes me super sad as she's very likely my last baby.
Nutsyputs I'm going through similar. My 8.5 month old loves her food and eats loads and I've been worrying she's not drinking enough during the day although she is nursing more than your Lo is ATM.

We've always had a routine that goes something like

6am- milk
8am- breakfast
10am- milk
1130- lunch
3pm- milk
530- tea
730- milk
Then a night feed or two

Anyway ATM she definitely isn't taking as much at her day time feed but I just keep offering it to her. I do worry though so I am going to speak to my hv as I'd like her to bf until I can give her cows milk

I'd say keep offering and maybe speak to your hv
I think I will speak to the hv. Thanks ladies.
I'm currently weaning off bf in preparation for work. My girl was feeding every three hours, I've cut out two feeds and offer a bottle instead. She has a couple of ounces, three at most. I'm thinking she wasn't really that hungry then, more habit and comfort. Am I correct to continue without those two feeds and assume she'll drink more from bottle of hungry?,

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