Wee bitty off topic, but I was really annoyed at that programme!
It made out - to me anyway - that there is no happy way to feed your baby! That if you choose bottle, then you are somehow a failure as a mother, and will undoubtably feel that way or even if you don't there is a social stigma involved of everyone judging you for bottle feeding! Then for breast it just made it out as really very difficult thing to do and made it sound as if it will never be an easy thing to do - then when she actually showed a success story of breastfeeding she took it to extremes of some one breast feeding a five year old and to some crazy lady who was campaigning!
I got really annoyed at it because after watching it, I had second thoughts about breastfeeding and was made to feel really confused on how to feed my baby!
I know if I do breastfeed that it might be a bit scary in public at first time, but then you would get comfortable in knowing what you need to do and what not to cover yourself? Sorry just a bit of a rant xx