Breastfeeding in public...

Thanks so much everyone for the support, really really helpful and spurs me on even more when people are like that :)
I didnt win that brestfeeding cover on ebay though :( But will be definatly getting one as they look really fab!
I think it brings such a lovely bond between you and baby knowing that your feeding them yourself and gving them the best start in life, so so lovely :cloud9:
Will deffo be letting you all know how I get on with feeding outside when little one is here :)
Good luck hon! I was so nervous frist time and used a cover, it just helps me feel more confident in public although my cover is red and spotty! One of my friends commented it kinda says 'Look I'm breastfeeding!! But you can't get a peep!' Maybe soon I might ditch the cover but still just makes me feel more relaxed. Won mine on ebay so keep trying!! x
My friend had one of them and she said it was great till about 5/6 months when they started pulling at it haha!! But great for privacy when she was getting used to feeding in public xx

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thankyou for this thread if have all made me feel like i can do it yay :)
thankyou for this thread if have all made me feel like i can do it yay :)

Honestly, I was sooooooooooooooo scared to BF in public when I first had Evie. I'd make sure she was filled to the brim before we went out and if she wanted feeding whilst we were out i'd bundle her in the car and rush home :blush:

The first time I BF her in public was in a Toby Carvery (Mmmmm!) with my OH, Mum, Step Dad and Grandma who have been behind me BF 100% so I knew they'd stick up for me - The waitress we had was amazing though! She had BF her little boy so knew exactly how I felt! I was really lucky!

What made it incredibly easy was when I went to a local baby group and I saw how many other mothers were BF their LO's. Now i'm a natural! lol!

No one has ever said anything negative to me but if they did, my god, they'd sure be wishing they hadn't! Good luck! x
I haven't read all the other replies but you can use a cover, i got mine from Mothercare. Once you've done it in public a few times even without a cover it becomes much easier. You feel that everyone is staring at you but you soon realise noone really notices. You'll become a pro in no time!

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