Breastfeeding an 'older' baby


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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As Austin's got older I've noticed people have started giving me funny looks when I breastfeed him in public. He's only 8 months, and not particularly big for his age. I'm sure it's because he's not a tiny baby anymore, I never had any dirty looks or comments when I breastfed when he was small. Is it odd to still be feeding him? Has anyone else experienced negative reactions to feeding an 'older' baby?
That's appalling, most people are fine it's just a few like the guy you encountered who make women worry about feeding in public. Good on you for standing up to him, there's nothing disgusting about breastfeeding. If it offends you, don't look!
I got some looks while we were back at home too but i figure thats becauseim breastfeeding a toddler.
Just ignore them hun, 8 months is still just a little baby. You keep feeding for as long as you are happy and comfortable doing it, sod the nosey gits looking at you!
I was only saying the same thing to A yesterday i think people are looking but not sure if it is because i am getting self conscious again but D is a big baby he was 20Lbs 14oz last week .
I still though think fuck em, my son needs food so he will get it
I had my very first self concious breastfeeding experience recently and that was sat in the Wetherspoons restaurant at Gatwick airport. Couldn't put my finger on why, I just felt concious and I'm normally very at ease lol. I breastfed DS all around Disney World on holiday though and felt fine about it. I think that it's unusual to see an older baby still being breastfed in public, which maybe why people are curious. I'll carry on doing it for the time being in public but am unsure of how I'll feel in 6 months time.
i last fed millie infront of people last week, but it was the mum & baby groups xmas party so i wouldnt expect nasty looks there tbh.
im moving millie onto formula soon but its a lifestyle choice for me really, if i wanted to breastfeed til she was 3 i bloody would and screw everyone else haha!

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