I was absolutely determined to bf with DD; bottle feeding wasn't even considered before her birth. However, I was being a little naive to say the least to assume it would be straightforward, I encountered a few major problems.
- I left the hospital within hours of the birth and had not managed to get bf established before being told to go home.
- When my milk came in on the 3rd night, my breasts became so engorged so quickly that DD could not feed for a whole night from me, this was by far the most distressing night of my life having a new born baby crying for milk and not having the knowledge or experience to be able to feed her.
- Week 6 I got mastitis. I had flu symptoms, engorged, hot & painful breasts and I had to take antibiotics & keep feeding through the pain to get rid of it.
- Week 12 the midwife had noticed DD had started losing weight despite me feeding her constantly at this stage. I don't know what happened and why, but my milk was drying up and within a couple of days she couldn't get a single feed from me. We had to resort to bottle feeding, I was absolutely devastated and made to feel like a complete failure by the midwife.
Essentially, the mistake I made was assuming it would be so natural that it would be easy. It left me exhausted and lonely (because I was so paranoid about feeding in front of anyone). My life became far easier once we had gotten into the routine of bottle feeding but I held onto a lot of guilt for months to follow.
Yet, despite all this, I fully intend to bf again and to be a success this time. For me, the benefits for the baby far outweigh the negative experience I had first time around. I think I'll be looking for more support this time though, I'm hoping it may help immensely rather than struggle through it on my own.