Breast pumps


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2013
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I've been doing a bit of breast pump research, I can't believe how many there are out there and how expensive they are! Bloody hell.
I know chick it's mad isn't it??? The best one I think review wise is 'Medela'
However I'm not buying one until baby is here and breastfeeding established as you never know it might not work out and I've spent all that money! X
I would suggest leaving it till after baby is here.

you can't use a pump until 60 hours post partum anyway

For a lot of people Bf doesn't go to plan and they've spent a lot of money on a pump for no reason. I ended up expressing full time so I have an industrial pump on loan
FYI I have a medala swing and its fab.

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Thanks girls :)

I have absolutely NO idea on anything at all that I need for when the baby comes along and what can wait. :)
I am also leaving it til baby is here, to see how I get on first. I will prob go with medala too, when the time comes.
To be honest anything you haven't got can normally be picked up quickly at a supermarket. So don't worry about being unprepared xxx

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I had nothing when I went into labour - managed fine :D
Oh gosh geekachublog im the same as you, I have no idea what to get before either. I go through mothercare and think 'Really, does a baby need all of this stuff?'. Breast pumps, however, im sure will come in useful obviously. I may have a look at this mendela one... x

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