breast pump - no milk since 25 weeks


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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At about 22-25 weeks pregnant i was leaking milk everyday. it wasn't a lot, just patches on my bra a few times a day.
but since then its stopped and i haven't had a single drop.

I'm getting an avent manual breast pump today, do you think if i try to express i would be able to get some??

my boobs also haven't changed in size at all, does that make a difference?

i'm getting a bit worried that i'm not going to be able to breastfeed because i haven't leaked so i just want to make sure that i'll be able to get some.

any help appreciated :D :D :D
i haven't leaked at all. i don't think its a problem though - my mw just said that not everyone does...
I haven't leaked anything yet, i'm starting to wonder if i'll produce any milk at all! :?
i've hardly leaked any either and didn't before, but had loads of milk after paris
Don't worry Kimbo I didn't leak at all during pregnancy and I'm still breastfeeding now! :D
I didn't have any milk until I had Dan. I had to hand pump to get the colostrum and then it was milk city! Your baby will do a much better job of getting the milk than any pump can
thanks.. my mums gone to asda to get me one now... even if i get just a tiny drop then it will give me some hope :oops: lol
i hardly leaked at all thru my pregnancy, i was really excited in about week 37 coz i had a tiny dot of colostrum on my top it was literally just a dot tho, like id been cryin and a tear had dropped on me lol!

despite not leaking while pregnant, i ended up with an abundant milk supply! i think the key was BFing every 3 hours for 7 or 8 minutes each side during the first 3 days- i was a bit sore on day 2 and 3 so i dropped to 4 minutes each side and was fine by day 4 or 5 when my proper milk came in. its not the easiest thing in the world its tempting to give up especially when u cant see no milk but if u keep at it its so rewarding. good luck! :hug:

oh yeah, dont be disheartened if the pump gets nothing out. i tried a manual pump recently (december) and could hardly get anything out! babies are WAY more efficient!
I didn't leak at all in my first pregnancy and managed to feed my daughter till she was 20 months old - it has absolutely nothing to do with breast size or anything - no mater whether you are an AA or a FF you have the same number of milk ducts - its fatty tissue that makes the difference and they have nothing to do with milk production. I have hardlyleaked this time, I stopped feeding Seren when I was about 4 months pregnant and got a little leakage then but thats all, plus my boobs haven;t changed shape

I personally wouldn't express - colostrum is difficult to express and I think it would just getyou more uptight, and also I wouldn't stimulate your nipples at this stage as it is meant to bring on labour - plus you will probably just get sore.Plus its not until the delivary of the placenta that the hormoneprolactin begins to build up- and its that what makes your milk, not expressing.

I didn't leak any milk during pregnancy and I'm still exclusively breasfeeding 3 months after the birth. No probs with supply whatsoever.

You risk mastitis and blocked ducts and sore nipples and confusing your breasts if you express now. Remember, you don't have your baby yet so you're not supposed to produce milk. Your body isn't ready yet, I wouldn't push it.

Breastfeeding is hard enough when you have to do it. Don't stress yourself out before the event. Save your energy.
i didnt see the other replies until just now :oops:

i tried it for ten minutes just then, and while i was doin it i came over all dizzy and had fuzzy spots in my eyes and had to sit down.. was well weird.. no idea if its anything to do with that but i won't be trying it again until after babys here lol
my midwife has told me to express to get labour started because i was 15 days over with alana and if labour doesnt start by 41 weeks this time im going to be having a section which i want to avoid.
also I wouldn't stimulate your nipples at this stage as it is meant to bring on labour

I used my new breastpump on the Monday night to test it out (got about .5oz of colostrum out) when I was 36 weeks, didn't really think about the possibilities of going into labour because I didn;t think my cervix would have been ready. DS was then born on the Wednesday so it probably did contribute towards him coming that bit early.
i had been expressing with the electric pump sicne xmas day.. and he was born 6 days later..midwife told me to start expressing to store my milk.. so you can express while your pregnant.. chances are you will start labor a few days after..
Kimbo said:
At about 22-25 weeks pregnant i was leaking milk everyday. it wasn't a lot, just patches on my bra a few times a day.
but since then its stopped and i haven't had a single drop.

I'm getting an avent manual breast pump today, do you think if i try to express i would be able to get some??

my boobs also haven't changed in size at all, does that make a difference?

i'm getting a bit worried that i'm not going to be able to breastfeed because i haven't leaked so i just want to make sure that i'll be able to get some.

any help appreciated :D :D :D

i was told your milk doesnt come through until day 3/4 after birth.
i never leaked once through my pregnancy and my boobs never grow or changed at all.
i thought shouldnt try express before baby arrives as needs the that goodness of first few days
i tried express before my milk had even come in and it didnt work at all.
gave up breastfeeding though to much for me lol
leighannex said:
i was told your milk doesnt come through until day 3/4 after birth.

My colostrum came in literally the moment I had the baby (I didn't leak at all during pregnancy) and the milk came in properly around day 3 when I was SO engorged and full and uncomfortable!

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