Boys or Girls?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2005
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Was reading an article today in a magazine about baby weight gain and the difference there is between boys and girls.
Was just interested in what all you ladies thought.

Do you think baby boys put on weight alot quicker than baby girls???

Im not really sure what I think as my boy Joshua was breastfed but started weaning at 3 months (hes 9 now and was different weaning age back then) and he was a right little chunker followed the 75th, but with Ruby who Im also breastfeeding is only on the 25th centile and I havent started weaning her yet shes nearly 5 months now.

Luv Roo
I have been told that Boys have growth spurts whereas Girls don't and gain weight much more steadily.

I think they are very similar as babies though. Some babies are just generally hungrier than others regardless of gender.

My next door neighbour had a boy who weighed 9lb 11oz at birth and he was a real chunk as a baby!! He is now 2yrs old and is actually one of the smalliest and skiniest 2yr olds I know!! :lol:
My son is 12 and was the same as your son. My daughter was not far behind her brother, but Oscar is the same as your Ruby.
Oscar is around 13lbs. He measured 67cm more than a month ago.

So, no... I don't think that girls are any different to boys. I am always a wee bit jealous when I see these lovely chunky boys and girls that are exclusively breastfed. They look so cute and healthy. Oscar is also still bf with the very occassional bit of rice, but weight gain, although steady, is slow.

Emilia xx
Ethan is 3lbs behind Charlie, Charlie is 8, Ethan is 6

Coby weighed 14lbs 2 weeks ago, and my sisters baby weighes 15lbs. shes two months older.

There must be some truth in what you read because the growth charts in the back of your red book are different for Boys and Girls. According to those, boys are expected to be heavier than Girls at the relevant week.
If boys and girls gained weight at the same rate, there would be just one graph for both sexes to have their weight plotted against.
I am always a wee bit jealous when I see these lovely chunky boys and girls that are exclusively breastfed.
Ella is REALLY chunky, I didn't think she would be as she's b/f, thought she'd be leaner like Oscar. I think they look better that way :D
Not sure if this is the right time or place to ask but what's the "red book" that I see being typed in lots of posts? I have a wee white weigh in book for Olivia but it just has a place to write when her jabs were given and what she weighs but it doesn't have any of the info that I read you guys talking about.

Emilia - Olivia is a skinny malinky as well, I'm waiting for her thighs to chunk out!

Lucy x
Jess was a very big baby, she was born small but filled out really quickly! Aimee was born 2lb heavier than Jess but is lighter than she was at the same age. Can't comment on boys weight but my 2 are the same sex and are complety different builds.
Seren is a slim jim too. She has a few small rolls at the top of her thighs but that's it. Alot of it is to do with genetics as well, I am tall and was slim so Seren may be taking after me???

Kiaras 75th percent for weight and 90 for height.
She weighed 14 pounds 5 ounces almost a week ago.
I've just compared charlottes and alexs red books. 50th centile at birth for boys is just above 3.5kg, just below 3.5kg for girls. At 52 wks, it's 9.5kg for girls, 10kg for boys.

Charlotte was bang on 50th centile for every weigh-in. Alex is all over the place, but around the 75th. Got Callums out now, and his dots are all over the place too. Haven't got a clue where Daniels book is - thought I did well knowing where callums and charlottes were :clap:

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