Galen was weighed today, 22 weeks (4 months, 4 weeks) and he has hit 19lb. He has gone from between the 50th and 75th centile back up to the 75th again. At birth he was on the 91st centile and hugged that a fair while till around 8 weeks when he dropped down a bit. By 6 months if he keeps going like this he'll be 20lb plus.
I don't obsess about his weight gain. He is exclusively breastfed and is a very active baby. He is commando crawling and into everything. He feeds really well, sleeps through most nights from 8pm-6-7am and is such a bright happy baby.
I had planned to start weaning Galen next week due to op in November when he is 6 months old and didn't want to be contending with healing and weaning. But as he is doing so well on boobies alone I don't want to wean before 6 months unless he really seems to need it. I had my pre op and the consultant anesthetist said I need only wait 6 hours after op (and expressing them out once as best I can) before starting back up with breastfeeding, so no need to panic about that. I can express enough for a few feeds for Galen then and wean also.
He is starting to take an interest in our food but nothing major yet. Although I am sure he will be trying to grab food off us soon
What I am curious about is Mums with larger BF babies, did you make it to 6 months before weaning or start earlier? And if so why? How did it go. I now hope to do BLW fwiw. And to breastfeed past 6 months until Galen self weans or we reach a year old, whatever comes first.
I don't obsess about his weight gain. He is exclusively breastfed and is a very active baby. He is commando crawling and into everything. He feeds really well, sleeps through most nights from 8pm-6-7am and is such a bright happy baby.
I had planned to start weaning Galen next week due to op in November when he is 6 months old and didn't want to be contending with healing and weaning. But as he is doing so well on boobies alone I don't want to wean before 6 months unless he really seems to need it. I had my pre op and the consultant anesthetist said I need only wait 6 hours after op (and expressing them out once as best I can) before starting back up with breastfeeding, so no need to panic about that. I can express enough for a few feeds for Galen then and wean also.
He is starting to take an interest in our food but nothing major yet. Although I am sure he will be trying to grab food off us soon

What I am curious about is Mums with larger BF babies, did you make it to 6 months before weaning or start earlier? And if so why? How did it go. I now hope to do BLW fwiw. And to breastfeed past 6 months until Galen self weans or we reach a year old, whatever comes first.