Booking in appointment


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2011
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My midwife phoned yesterday and spoke to my husband to let him know my booking in appointment will be 14th November (I'm 10 weeks on the 17th). Is it normal to leave it this late? And is this when they put in for the scan date because if so that doesn't leave much room fir them to book in my scan! I have an app on Friday which is a group appointment apparently where we fill in forms and stuff. Has anyone else had this?
I'm just worried I'm not gonna get my scan at 12 weeks. I've seen a few of u comment that you already have your scan date at 6/7 weeks!

Thanks in advance for your responses! x x
I think it's different depending on where you live. I don't have a booking-in app or a scan date yet! :/
With my mc in June, I had my booking appointment at 10+5 weeks and an emergency scan at 11+1 weeks, where I was don't about my mc. A few days later I got my 12 week scan date through for 12+5 weeks.

So all seems normal to me hun xx
I'm totally different cos I live in rural southwest Scotland. So far I've had doc on 14th October, a kind of pre booking appointment on 25th October, main booking appointment 7th November, and scan booked for 5th December. Feel quite lucky so far but it's all swings and round abouts cos I also live 1hr and 40mins away from proper big hospital and you do not get option of epidural anywhere in region!
I was due my booking in this thurs, when i,d be 7+5. Weeks but coz of a cock up by my doc i,ve got to wait for a letter with a date for my booking in, which will probs be another week or so then i,ll get my scan date. I had mine at 12+ with my first and bowt 11+5 with my second.
I just got two letters through at the same time - one with booking in app and one with scan. Booking in is on 9th November, when I'll be 9 weeks, and scan is 5th Dec. There were 2 separate letters, so probably booked by separate people? I'm sure you'll be booked in at the right time Kirsty, if your midwife is doing things over the phone then she will probably give you a call about the scan. xx
The midwife gave me the date of my scan at my booking in appointment so I guess the scan is already booked x
I've got mine on the 7th november I'll be 7 weeks then. I think the people that had scans at 6/7 weeks have had MC's hun,you don't get an early scan unless you have had MC or other complications. My first pregnancy I had my scan at about 12 weeks 6 days and they put me back 3 days. You will get your scan hun don't worry about it the more you stress abou tit the worse you will feel. Relax and enjoy your pregnancy x
Ah ok that all sounds good. I think I'm just being impatient! I'm sure everyone feels like the first few weeks go slowly so I'll just have to be patient and enjoy it!
Thanks guys :) xxxx
Everythings different depending where you live, but I didn't have my booking appointment until what I thought was when I was almost 11 weeks, but when I finally had my scan was put back a week, but don't take long to get a scan really. x

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