Booking in appointment


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2010
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Hi all,

I had my booking in appointment at 9.30 this morn and the midwife didn't turn up. I phoned at 10.30 only to be told she is on annual leave today! I told them that I had also taken a day's annual leave for the appointment.
Is is wrong for me to be absolutely fuming? In my job, if I ignored a planned meeting I'd get a right bollocking!

I'd definitely be fuming. That is shocking. I'd definitely make a complaint, do these people not realise that you cannot just drop everything spontaneously for an appt, you have a life and a job that needs to be organised too and now you've lost a day's holiday (although enjoy putting your feet up!). I would demand she comes and sees you at a time more convenient to you. Who did you make the appt with - was it actually the midwife who made it, in which case I'd ask for a different one - forgetting that she was on holiday doesn't necessarily fill you with confidence!
Yes she made the appointment!! She phoned here and asked if she could come that day. I wouldn't mind but my poor husband has been cleaning since stupid o clock today too so he's not happy either! It doesn't fill me with any confidence. Personally, I wouldn't give a toss if she didn't come as I now have no faith in her anyway but I want a date for my scan!

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That is bloody awful!!! I would complain about that too!!! xxx
That's completely out of order! How rude! I'd definatly complain! x
Definately complain, thats rediculous, I hate it when people assume that all women stay at home and dont work. I have the same problem with stupid things like getting the gas boiler serviced - they all assume because I'm female that I stay at home all day.

I certainly wouldn't be happy with her unless she had a reasonable explanation and it was an emergancy but her collegues had to say it was annual leave?
Apparently she HAD to take a day off today before new financial year! The other midwife who answered the phone didn't even apologise- just said oh, she must have forgotten AS IF THAT'S OK THEN??? I am still livid. Also, no-one has actually bothered to contact me regarding another appointment. I don't actually feel like I trust someone to deliver my baby that can't even remember where she's supposed to be of a day! (RANT OVER!!)
Omg, i'd be raging!!!! :trouble: I can't believe she done that, i'm gobsmacked! And they didnt even offer to send you a replacement?? I'd go spare with them...
Can't believe she did that, write to the practice manager as even tho it's the Midwifes unit, lthe practice manager they are under is surely to be accountable for this cockup, and can look into it further for you.

Do you have another local surgery, but drastic I know but might make you feel happier
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Another midwife did say she may be able to come but she was called to labour ward just after she spoke to me (but it wasn't really her fault anyway). But the midwife who should have been here rang at about 7 this evening and was very apologetic and has promised to come on Tuesday morning. I had booked next week off anyway but didn't say that!!! I think I am going to try to forget about today and start afresh on Tuesday as I would really like to get along with my midwife with it being my first baby and everything. I was just sooo disappointed as I thought we would get a scan date today :-(

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