Booking in Appointment


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
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I have got my booking in appointment tomorrow morning and I am absolutely bricking it! I am going on my own as OH can't get the time off work...I am not so worried about that though. I just don't want to be lectured about being overweight! I just want the facts... I am probably worrying way too much, it might be alright- I just don't want a mean midwife! I keep going through different emotions. At some points I am thinking I am going to go in there with guns blazing, on the other hand I think I need to take it on the chin, it is what it is and if I am put under a consultant then so be it! It's just not nice is it! Such a wimp. :oooo:

prob wont :sleep: tonight.

Good luck hon. My bmi came up as 31 and I was asked if I wanted healthy eating advice but to be honest I don't look very overweight and honestly am not interested in watching my weight while pregnant! Obviously don't plan to get huge but just told the midwife this and she left it at that.
Good luck tomorow Pudds , Don't forget a bag or carrier bag for all the paperwork and booklets they give you!!!
I already have my bounty pack- will let you know how it goes. I can see me crying though, so emotional!
I had mine yesterday and the mw didn't mention my weight at all (apart from asking how much I weighed) She also told me she won't be at the birth as she's having her own a month before me!
Whats your BMI though? Mine is pretty high so not looking forward to it. x
i had my 1st midwife appt today, my midwife just said to me i need to make sure i only eat an extra 200 callories in tri 3 and then i wont put on too much extra weight, i was quite amazed that my BMI is dead on 30( i thought it was quite a bit higher) but she said as long as your healthy, dont over do things that you dont normally do then any added weight you put on in pregnancy is ok,

they have put me under consultant care tho, im not sure if its because iv had previous history of unexplained bleeding after baby-dancing or if it was because my mum had 3 miscarriages after me and hubbys mum had a still birth, or if its my BMI, but she just said that the more people that see you the better it is for baby and me, so the more people i see the better in my eyes a closer look on us :)

i must admit she was really nice and put my mind at rest, i felt just like you and went from 1 extreme to the other, il b ok and tell her im boss or take what she says,

good luck 2mo

my bmi is 40 and im under consultant but it not just because of that i also had high bp in last pregnancy so i tick a few boxes iv been told i will be offered a pregnancy dietician club thing which i will politly tell them to stick somewhere lols but they arnt ever horrid about weight so dont worry
How did you get on? was it as scary and awful as you thought? The worst bit is the blood test, the rest is just loads of questions.

Hope everything went ok for you today - let us know soon xxx
Hello- sorry I havent been on the last couple of nights as I am sooo exhausted! I was VERY pleasantly surprised. My midwife was lovely!!! I will be seeing her throughout the pregnancy. She happened to be a STICK INSECT though so when I walked in I was like "Great!" lol. She called me 'cuddly' haha and didnt mention anything about being big affecting my pregnancy at all. She said as I seem low risk so far all of the birthing options are open to me including the pool and home birth. I do have to go for a glucose test later on but not because of my weight but instead because my mom had gestational diabetes when she had me so that can be genetic.

all in all very happy and at ease now!! xxxxx
Aww congrats pudds, glad it went well for you! :) You can start to relax now :p x
So glad she's a nice mw x I've heard that bmi isn't a good indicator of health but can't remember why x I have a good bmi but whenever I tell people what I weigh they are so shocked! x

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