Booking in appoinment - what to expect?


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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I have my first appointment with a mid-wife next week when I will be about 9 weeks pregnant. I assume this is what is referred to as the 'booking in appointment'. Can someone please explain what I can expect from this appointment? Do I need to take a urine sample with me?

Thank you! x
Fill in a load of paperwork, get blood taken and yeah, take a pee sample with you, will save you popping back, and they'll probably weigh you and ask you a load of questions.
Yup exactly what cantstop said! but apart from i had to give a urine sample when i got there. Weighed/height taken. Then every question under the sun asked about you. And you get your blood taken. I got a file too, for my notes, everyone here gets them, and you have to take them to all your appointments. Don't worry it will be fine :) x
I didn't get bloods or urine tested till at my 12 week scan. Had my booking in appointment at 10 weeks and she asked alot of questions about my family health history and husbands family health history xx
Ive got my booking in appointment on the 2nd Feb. I have been told its a 75 minute app and I have to take a wee sample with me.
Wow 75 mins? That's longer than I was expecting!!
I know i thought that too! But to be honest im so excited it could be 175 minutes xxx
I think my appointment took about 30-45 minutes, it did say on the letter it could take up to 2 hours! But I was so excited at my first appointment i felt it flew by! xxx
I had mine last week and was there over an hour and half.... Loads of questions, bloods and I wee'd in a bottle and handed it to her saying at least it would keep her hands warm in the car on her way to next appointment LOL

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