Booking in app... what to expect??


Active Member
Mar 14, 2011
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I have my midwife booking in app on Tuesday morning and was wondering what to expect?

G x
I had mine yesterday....basically there's lots of filling in forms, you get asked questions about your medical hisory, your height, weight, all of this gets put down in your notes which you then take away with you and have to keep with you all the time. At mine I had to give a urine sample (which they test to make sure you don't have any infections) she also took a blood sample which gets sent off to the lab to test for all sorts of things such as Thalassemia and your rhesus factor. Your midwife will then put in a request form at the hospital for a scan, the hospital writes to you direct with the date. You have an option if you want this to be a nuchal scan which is where they measure the baby to check for down's syndrome. Your appointment may not be exactly the same as mine as I know it differs according to where you live. Good luck and let us know how you get on! x x
I had mine last week & was pretty much the same as what Bella2 has said...i was in there just over an hour! Although i got my scan date through at the same time i got my booking app time - was initially organised by my docs, but now everything will be done via midwife. Good luck! :)
yep, my appointment was the same. The only other thing I could remember was that my pressure was also checked. And I was given a nice NHS book.
Mine was the same as Bella2 but they called up and booked my scan with me there to give me the date/time I could make and I was in there an hour
Pretty much what other ladies have said including blood test, but I didn't give a urine sample there and then, she gave me a pot to bring next time. I also got booked in for my next appointment with MW and then 12 week nuchal and date scan.

I also was in a group. There were a few other ladies there.


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