Booby feeding hurts :o(


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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Hello well as you all probably know ickle Elora is finally here and since shes been born ive tried to booby feed. In hospital it wasnt so bad, we both took to it really well. Only problem is the MW said Elora has a 'very powerful suck' which has left me feeling very sore, so we've been also bottle feeding aswell because my boobs are now bleeding and very painfull I didnt breast feed zack as it felt very strange and basicly I just didnt like it at all. So made a huge effort this time to breast feed.

Anyway getting to the point... I love breastfeeding so im a bit pee'd off that my boobs are so sore. I did ask MW what I should use regarding creams etc, but she said to just use breast milk, rub it into the nipple and just feeding her from my boob. But it REALLY hurts!

Does anyone know of any great nipple creams to use???
Or a good technique you use??

My MW has helped alot with positioning and im comfortable witht he way I feed her. Its just my stupid boobs are so sore. Ive been told the more I do it the more my nipples will harden up. Is that right??

Thanks for your help girls, sorry about the rambled rant lol
Hi Violet and congratulations on the birth of your beautiful girl.

Sorry you are having trouble breastfeeding and are so sore.

I have heard that cabbage leaf is really good for sore and cracked nipples; my friend really suffered and swore by the cabbage.
I was a bit sore at the beginning and used palmers (cocoa butter company) nursing cream. This is really good and does not need washing off prior to feeding.

I hope it clears up for you soon. :hug:
hiya, WELL DONE for trying. It will get better as long as the latch on is correct. Can you get to any other groups to get the latch checked? I know you said your midwife looked but some else could check too. The cream you need is called lansinoh. Its wonderful. try to get as much fresh air as possiable on them and change your pads often. I could go on forever so PM if you need more help! And use the helplines and the midwifes for surport. the breast milk on the nipples does help.

Well done and I know its does not seem like it but it will get better!

hi, im sorry your in pain, i went through the same thing with Leah - nipples were bleeding and cracked :( everytime i fed her i was in tears.

I used this cream Lansinoh nipple cream, you can get it from mothercare. Worked really well, and you can apply it and still feed, doesnt effect you baby. It was quite £££ though, but i thought it was worth it - its about £10 for a tube.

Hope this helps
Congratulations on your LO!

Someone said to me if you can get through the first 4 weeks of breast feeding you can cope until you need to wean. I know that feels liek forever away at the moment but it will go really quick and I promise you it really does settle after 4 weeks. I was is agony for the first 2 weeks but its all better now.

Are you expressing? I know some people don't recommend expressing in the early days but I did when I was too sore to feed because then at least I knew Archer was getting booby milk and it was keeping my supply up.
i know alot of people swear by the chilled cabbage leaves in your bra also i have lasinoh and its really good...

it does get better hun well done for doing it"! and congrats on LO xx

Well done for giving the breastfeeding a go. Like the others have said it will get so much easier and will be pain free.

Apparently it has to be Savoy Cabbage leaves (no idea why but the bfing support group told me that!).

Try and get your baby to have a nice wide mouth then swiftly latch her on and try and get lots of the aerola below the nipple in her mouth, and that the nipple is right at the top of her mouth. It could be that your baby isn't taking the nipple to the soft pallette so it's getting sore from being sucked against the hard pallette.

Well done

If your nipples are really sore and cracked the best thing is breastmilk. It honestly works, after baby has finished feeding express some out and just rub it round and let airdry. Sounds icky but breastmilk really is good for this, it contains loads of antibodies.

Congrats on the arrival of baby Elora. Seren also has a powerful suck, we used to call her the dyson.
violet make sure you have bubba on corectly. it shouldn't hurt if shes positioned well.

ask your midwife to check you're doing it right and don't let her go home till you feel ok with it.

First off well done your doing a great job, and as others say it will get better i cried and cried but was determined so kept going now its almost been a year! Good luck. :hug:
Well done Violet!

I used Camillosan cream, which worked wonders.
It does get better I promise, soon it will never hurt and will be like second nature to both of you.
yes well done violet1 keep it up its worth it in the end. I hope my post didn't come across as a bit harsh to anyone. It was intended to :)
I was in aruh but wanted to stress that bad positioning is so easily done and so easily rectified and the prime reason for pain when feeding.

Hows it going violet chick?
lots of 'air drying' and breast milk on your nipples

it does get better honestly.. i had lots of toe curling moments!
Oooh well done for sticking with it, its hard isn't it?
I will give another vote for Lanisoh, expensive, but worth it. My nips were very sore and bleeding in hospital too and thats what they gave me, in a sachet. Then when I got home they became sore again (because I hadn't got baby latched right, so don't worry yours will do it again, it was just me being a bf-ing div!) and I sent DH to Boots for a big tube of Lanisoh stuff.
It does make your toes curl, especially when they suck really hard as mine does too! They do get tougher (sounds sexy doesn't it?! Tough nipples!!) very quickly. Best of luck :)
Hiya sorry havent updated yet, had LOTS of fanily around over the past few days (as you do when baby arrives) so havent really had chance to reply.

The booby feedings getting better... still hurting a bit, but nothing as much as before :cheer: ...I guess im going to have to keep doing it and hopefully my nips will harden up after a while. Thanks for the advice about creams etc. Will get some when I get round to going shopping.

and no budge you didnt offend me or anything :hug: I did have the wrong positioning to start with, I think thats what started them off hurting. But I make a little nest for myself now out of pillows when I go to feed her lol
you keep at it chick nd soon it will come so natural to lob her on. :D

nature makes breast feeding enjoyable - it just takes time :hug: :hug:
you can ask your mid wife or health visitor bout it coz my midwife gave me a sample of sum cream but i cant remember what it is called but it is the stuff they have in the hospitals x

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