Urgent breast feeding help!


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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Please Help!!

I had a c section 12 days ago and after struggling for the first 24 hours and some help from a support worker breast feeding seemed to just click. I've been feeding perfectly ever since.

Two days ago my nipples became very sore and are getting worse. Breast feeding has become beyond painful and every feed gets worse!! I've had 4 midwives check my nipples & lo's latch and all have said everything is perfect!! No one has any idea why I suddenly have this pain in my nipples. They are sore, burn during a feed and are very uncomfortable.

I have no problem with milk supply, I have been using lanolin nipple cream and I'm in agony. I have no cracks or splits either and my nipples do not have thrush. My nipples just look a little pink in colour. I've also been check for an infection in my boobs which are all clear.

Please help I don't want to stop breast feeding but it's got to the point where I'm sobbing every feed because of the pain, it's breaking my husbands heart to see me struggling. I've had to give lo a bottle of formula to give my nipples a rest and I'm devastated.

Please help!!!:cry::cry:
If there are no cracks and latch is ok then the only thing I can think of is infection- thrush or mastitis. Get it checked again, by GP if necessary cos its not right that it should hurt that much if you have been ok and have not cracks etc.
big :hug: and I hope it gets better.
I used to get sharp stabbing pains when I fed, really deep in my boob. I never got it checked as it soon went. Go to the dr xxxx

oh hon, I don;t know what else to add that the other 2 ladies havn't said, go back to gp? hop you get it sorted, and even the odd bottle of formula while you get it sorted is not gonna affect your bfing at this stage. good luck xxx
Definitely check again for thrush - LO had a patch of thrush in his mouth when be was about 4 weeks old and it did transfer -my nipples were the same, just pink with no obvious damage or infection but my god did they hurt!! Hot needles with every feed, I totally feel your pain! Our doc prescribed Daktarin, which was used in LOs mouth and on my nipples and it got gradually better over the next week or so. Good luck hon :hugs:
Thank you ladies!!

Well hubby picked up some formula yesterday as he couldn't watch me in pain. Lo had a formula feed during the day and one a night, it was heart breaking to see her so content after the formula :cry: My nipples feel a little better but not by much, I've managed two feeds already today.

Inky did you try expressing? I tried and it wasn't half as painful as lo sucking. Is it possible for me to have thrush and it not transfering to lo? Her mouth is completely clear!! All the midwives tell me there is nothing wrong but I just can't understand the sudden pain.

Thank you for all your help x
I didn't express Mookie, just gritted my teeth lol! It took a while for LO to 'get' bf'ing so didn't want him to have a bottle, meaning expressing wasn't really an option for us. I do remember the pain though lol! When he had thrush he did have a White patch on his tongue, and I'm pretty sure I got it from him rather than the other way round so not sure if you could have it first. I guess it's possible though, breast pads are a great home for that sort of thing. Are you using breast pads? Also have you tried changing bra? I remember having pain because of a seam in my bra, it was causing friction and that really hurt too. Not easy is t lol?!
I had this when Georgie was about 6 weeks, no infection, latch fine etc really not sure what caused it but it was like a burning sensation on my nipple (not inside actually on it) I used laniosh(sp) again and it went in a few days - I just assumed it was LO experimenting with her tongue and sucking different sorry I can't be more helpx

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