Boobs not as sore anymore!


Active Member
Jun 6, 2011
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I'm 7, nearing 8 weeks pregnant, with my first!
I had really sore boobs for a few weeks, and they just feel normal as anything, and today i'm not feeling as sick as i normally have been!
Have been quite worried about it all lately, even doubting I'm actually pregnant :/
If you're really worried talk to a doctor. (I hate to say this...) But as long as you havent had any miscarriage signs (bleeding/bad cramps ect.) then I wouldnt worry yourself at all!! Some symptons just come and go...

I'm sure everything is fine hunny!

Claire xXx
Hello :)

Congratulations first of all!!!

Dont worry, i went through a phase of thinking i had imagined the whole thing and i wasnt actually pregnant, I went through a stage of just feeling normal and i think its because i was constantly waiting to be sick or have sore boobs etc... now my boobs are getting massive and are sooo painful!!! Just try and take it easy, all of the symptoms will come in their own time... or maybe not at all if your one of the lucky ones!!

Just enjoy being pregnant, although i know its hard until you have the first scan!

my boobs went off about 8 weeks and come and go now so dont worry
Hi Babydrac, congrats!
I feel like a flaming porn star at the moment, my boobs feel enormous and ache continuously. Not really unpleasant but very uncomfortable! Its really interesting to see how people change at different times, curious to see how mine will go! xx
Defo symptoms come and go so dont panic.....if there are no mc sympts then its all normal. do call the dr or MW if you are worried, that is what they are paid to do, help us with our pregnancy medical issues!! take care and enjoy not feeling sick :)
Congratulations on your pregnancy.
And don't worry about the lack of symptoms. Some girls here haven't had any symptoms at all.

My sickness only lasted for a week (7 to 8 weeks pregnant) I wasn't physically sick either, just feeling sick every day.

You've also just made me realise my boobs aren't sore :rotfl: I have no idea when they stopped being sore but they were VERY sore at 4/5/6/7/8/9 weeks pregnant. xxx
My boobs went sore at 3 weeks. But is not as bad now that I am 6 weeks. It comes and goes. I wouldnt worry. Worrying wont help. But if you are worried speak to MW.xx
My boobs were sore up until about 9 weeks then stopped! Only just started becoming sore again! X

Symptoms come and go... my boobs mite hurt one day and then nothing for two days. Have been like that from the start an its the only symptom I had, so I count myself lucky.
I've been having cramps this morning, but if I'm honest they feel like it's more to go with going to the toilet, they're not lower cramps! Xx
Thanks for all the replies and putting my mind at ease! It's not good to worry, but it's what I've done my entire life lol, so old habits die hard, I'm just gonna have to suck it up and get on with it :) xxx

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