Boobie question..


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2012
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Dunno whats going on here.. woke up this morning and my boobs are completely soft, feels as if they have actually deflated. I've also stopped leaking, and my nipples seem to not be so pokey out ifykwim.

What the hell are they up to? I am 38 weeks today so surely they should be getting more full not less?
Some days mine are killing and feel quite heavy, then others they are totally back to normal, can jiggle without any pain lol!

Think it's just hormones huni,

Ps happy 38 weeks today! Yay us! X
Ah okay, just they have been so full up til now it feels weird to have them comfortable again haha.

Yayy for us :) :) now where are these babies??
I know, I'm trying not to think about it now cuz it's starting to take over my brain! Haha!
So I'm just concentrating on doing all the jobs round the house and making it all clean and ready. Need to take my mind off waiting! It could literally be any day, but I really think il go over again so I'm trying not to think about it too much anymore. Wish we just knew the day they were coming so we could relax til then! Instead every twinge or cramp I'm like omgggg is this it?! Haha x
My nipples have been in agony for about 2weeks now!
Cant touch them at all! The whole nipple feels mega sore!
No leaks, reddness or anything just can not touch them!!!

God nos what im guna be like attenpting to breast feed!! Xx
I wouldn't worry Sara at my breastfeeding class last week the midwife said her boobs were soft and kinda normal (no leaking) during pregnancy then she went on to successfully bf her son for a year! Same with her other 2 babies. She said the minute you give birth your body knows to start producing milk. Mine are sore again but don't feel any fuller tbh even though I've gone up a few sizes. Nips are huge and more pointy though lol hubby thinks they're comical (thanks babe lol) x
They have looked and felt "ready to go" for a few weeks now, but today they just seem different lol.
Deffo just hormones fluctuating hun. Our bodies are strange things! lol
Im sure they will ballooooon ones he here!
Mine doesnt really feel much different! They kinda look bigger, bit not what i thought theyd be! Lol and mine are all squidy!! X
Omg Dolly Parton doesn't even come close to post birth boobs!

They look amazing but should come with a sign saying do not touch!x
mine never leaked or anything last preg, they were fine and pretty normal, didnt even change size just got tender in the first 2 tris and i bf'd my DD1 til just after her first birthday. just make sure you get lansinoh and slather it on when your learning to bf ladies lol, its the shizz and good for healing sore nips when baby is learnig to latch, its very rare that you and baby get it spot on straight away so check that latch and positioning often the first week or 2 and if it hurts more than a min or you get cracks or sores or pointy bits after feeding then the latch is most likely to blame and needs work
Im gutted because mine don't seem to have grown at all really :( they have changed in regards to being more sensitive and tender and more veiny lol but apart from that I feel cheated as was looking forward to bigger boobs lol. Im a c cup anyway but was expecting them to grow a few cup sizes at least lol.

I was born with inverted nipples and when I was 18 I had surgery to correct it due to me feeling so subconscious about it but the docs warned me at the time that I may not be able to breast feed due to the surgery. I would like to try breast feeding in case I can but I would be so gutted if I tried it and it didn't work so Im going to stay clear of breast feeding xx
Well they are back to being full & mahoosive again today so they must have just been having an off day haha x
Im gutted because mine don't seem to have grown at all really :( they have changed in regards to being more sensitive and tender and more veiny lol but apart from that I feel cheated as was looking forward to bigger boobs lol. Im a c cup anyway but was expecting them to grow a few cup sizes at least lol.

I was born with inverted nipples and when I was 18 I had surgery to correct it due to me feeling so subconscious about it but the docs warned me at the time that I may not be able to breast feed due to the surgery. I would like to try breast feeding in case I can but I would be so gutted if I tried it and it didn't work so Im going to stay clear of breast feeding xx

do wahtever is best for you tho if that were me id have to try or curiosity would kill me, id feel gutted i never even tried and didnt know if it would of worked. everyone looks at these things differently lol but you should always do whats best for you

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