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Bloody useless midwife


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Been for my 28 week check up today. Saw a diffrent midwife AGAIN. apparently my midwife is on holiday, She waas on holiday for the last 3 weeks in september, she was on holiday fr my appointment 4 weeks ago and again this week. Wish I got that many holidays. Midwife I saw today took bloods and when I asked what she was checking for she just said it was routine (that dosnt answer my question) measured down teh center of my bump didnt comment on weather she was the right size or not. she took my blood presure which she said was perfect (its been low all the way though the pregnancy) So asked her why I was still feeling very dizzy a lot of the time and her reply was oh it will probly be something to do with blood pressure (Uh Hello you just said my blood pressure was perfect???)

Told her about hospital visit yesterday and that the consultant had perscribed codine every 6 hours during the day for the next 3 days then just as and when I need it after that. Midwife said she dosnt think I should take it as its very strong, I told her I realised this and that I was taking it as directed by the doctor and after the first 3 days I would only be using it when really nessacerry but I was and am still in a lot of pain if anything its getting worse. her responce was that I shouldnt take it and I need to walk more! Urm hello i am in lots of pain when just sitting down and i am struggling to move much how the hell am I meant to go out for a walk?

Felt very very rushed out by her and most of the time we were in there she was just nagging my OH to quit smoking. I do want him to give up and he says he will before baby arrives but he is not the sort of person who will be nagged or pushed into something.


Rant over :)
Do you know, i would be fuming if I were you! How unpleasant of her, i'd be inclined to put in a complaint!! xx
What is it with midwifes! Everyone seems to be moaning about them, dont know why they bother doing the job if there not gonna be helpful. I had my first baby 11yrs ago and they had so much time for u back then now they cant wait to get rid of u. Its wrong! X
Are midwives not supposed to be helpful??? I would be fuming too if they had treated me like that!

Aww I'd defo write a letter in or something your pregnancy is a special time and shouldn't be trivialised!

Tbh my midwife doesn't always tell me my measurements and bp
So I check my notes when I get home :)

She doesn't seem very helpful :hug:

I get a different mw everytime hun. There is a team of 8 :roll:

I would write a letter but I wrote one complaining about one of our local hospitals in september as I went in with server abdominal pains and I was waiting fr over 9 hours and they never even checked if baby had a heart beat and Iv still not heard anything in reply, and in our area a few people who have complained have found out there has been notes about it put on there medical records and they have recived worse treatment because of that dont want to risk that during labour lol. I think I may write one either after i give birth or I could write an anonmas one? I think Il just keep asking you girls on here you seem to know more than the bloody midwives anyway.

Pinky princess Iv checked my notes and there is no record of them ever writing down my Bp or todays measurment. Iv gt to see a consultant on the 22nd December I might ask them to see whats going on. xx
That's shocking! They should be writing that down. I had to change midwives as I've moved and today the first thing she did was read through all my notes!

I would have thought they would have written it down one bacause iv had problems fainting because its always so low and 2 because my midwife is always on holiday I see a diffrent one every time. Iv not seen my midwife since I was 16 weeks and Im now 28. I am meant to be having baby at a midwife led unit but this is really putting me off I think I might travel a bit further and go to teh hospital when I was at the hspital the midwives and the doctor were all brilliant I could nt fault them. xx
There are a team of midwives at our surgery. There is one who seems good and on the ball, but the others are a useless bunch. Its potluck each appointment which one you get. But I would def want to receive better service than what you got today... Grrr!
I would complain hun I had something similar happen but I forgot my urine sample and she didn't take my bp yet wrote in my notes both were fine. Luckily there wasn't anything wrong with it but she did the same to my friend and it turned she had high bp and had to have a c section 8 weeks early so it can be life threatening when they dong do their jobs properly and an absolute disgrace x
I would complain hun I had something similar happen but I forgot my urine sample and she didn't take my bp yet wrote in my notes both were fine. Luckily there wasn't anything wrong with it but she did the same to my friend and it turned she had high bp and had to have a c section 8 weeks early so it can be life threatening when they dong do their jobs properly and an absolute disgrace x

OMG thats dreadful, hope her and the baby are ok. Theres a big investigation going on in all three of the hospitals in my local Trust, So I might write an anonmas letter then atleast there can be no come back on me r the baby xx:wall2:x
I complained about a doctor a couple of weeks ago and had a phone call from the hospital appologising like two days later, then when i went in a saw the head doctor and she told me she was sending on training etc. they shouldn't treat you worse because you complain write into a few people and really kikc up a fuss! Hope its better soon for you x
you need to complain officially through PALS and they have to respond within 2 days!

This midwife seems so arrogant she doesn't think she needs to explain anything to you. It wouldn't kill her to explain what the bloods are for, or why it might be your BP even though at that check up it was fine. As for the codeine thing unless she can prescribe it she shouldn't really comment on it.
That is shocking! You need to complain! I guess I am lucky as I cant fault my midwife! But she is the same one I had over both my boys! However I have seen a different one when Jayne was on holiday, but I couldn't fault her either!
My midwife filed a complaint against a doctor at our emergency center because she didn't write in my notes when I was ill & had to be seen!! Everyone that is in the medical profession that see's you MUST write in your notes!! Write a letter of complaint, even if you do it anominously!! Hope things start and get better for you hun x x
She must have written it on my computerized notes because I went for my asthma check up today and the nurse comented on how low my BP was yesterday, couldn't really belive it because midwife said it was perfect, very confused. I'm going to mention at the next apointment because it should be a diffrent midwife x
thats bad, my mw is lovely, always has time for me and seems genuinely pleased to see me which i find odd. shes always wrote in my notes every app and so has anyone else ive seen. id deffo complain

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