Bloody terrified!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Is the best way I could describe myself after my fertility appointment this morning!!

As most of you know I had a mini meltdown a couple of weeks ago as I was told I could be on clomid for a further 6 months and it all just got a bit overwhelming for me.

So today I went in to my appointment fully expecting to walk out with another clomid prescription and an appointment to come back in another 3 months, but instead I walked out with a list of IVF clinics ..... I am being referred!!! :shock::shock::shock:

The nurse said it was time for me to move on, my current clomid cycle has failed according to my bloods, and she said it was unfair to keep putting me through that month after month!!

I should get my referral paperwork in 2 weeks that I have to fill in and send back, I have a scanned booked for 3 weeks to get an up to date picture of my ovaries, I have to have my day 1 - 3 bloods taken again when AF shows up, then they can start the referral process

I dont know how I feel about this yet, partly relieved, partly confused, but mainly bloody terrified!!

I knew that we could always end up here but I never thought we would, and even though before I wanted it to happen, now it is happening I dont want it ... if that makes sense!! I never thought we would reach this point, but then I guess who does.

I have some big decisions to make with hubby!!!
Thats brilliant vicky, so glad things are moving on for you, it must be scary but i know it will go well for you. xxx
Wow, that's brill news that they are moving forward with you. Understand how you feel as I was petrified when I got told I had to have Iui. Exciting times ahead xxxxx
Wow Vicky I think this is fab news!! What clinics do you get to chose from? I did a lot of research on the clinics we could chose from so if you want my notes just let me know!

Very excited for you!

Love gizzy xxx
I may get offered IUI (all depends on the clinic, test results etc) but my nurse said that one cycle of IVF is the equivalent to 3 tries of IUI and a lot of women who are offered both tend to go straight for IVF, so again that will be another big decision we will have to make if it comes to it.

It all just seems to final, that is the scary bit!!

I already know what clinics I get to choose from so just having a look now!!
My choice of clinics are:

The South East Fertility Clinic (SEFC) in Tunbridge Wells

The Chaucer BMI Hospital - Canterbury

BMI Chelsfield Park - Orpington

My nurse said that the one in Orpington had a problem with long waiting lists as it was the only one the hospital used for referrals, but since signing a contract with the other two they arent as bad.
I cant believe how different places are. We get 3 shots at iui, 2 fresh ivf, and 2 frozen ivf. And as far as I'm aware its all done on same unit as I'm at now.

Hope your research doesn't baffle you :) xxxxx
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My nurse said I could have 2 or 3 IUI's and 2 IVF's ... not sure about frozen IVF's hoping it wont come to that!!!
Wow! :)

Although it's scary Vic it's a million times more effective than Clomid and it is much more likely to get you that BFP you deserve!

Really scary but a really big step forwards xxx
Eek this is scary but amazing news!! I'm chuffed that you don't have to mess around with clomid for ages though! Did they say roughly how long till you start treatment? I understand how you feel though...ivf always sounded like something other people did. But this really will be it for you sweetie! Xxx
Wonderful news xx I totally understand how scary it must be xx
Daunting on the whole process - when af stops messing about I start clomid and seems weird to be finally getting somewhere x
Im glad for you Vicky. It really is a massive step forward although I fully understand that you are feeling terrified. It has also happened really quickly as waiting lists can be very long. I really hope this is your BFP honey!
Thanks girls, now that the shock has started to wear off i am looking at it in a more positive light. Had a little cry when hubby got home from work and I told him but he is so great and so positive about it all.

As long as af turns up this month and after I have my scan in 3 weeks then the referral will be sent off at the end of this month, looking at around 3 months wait but could be sooner so that would put us at around July / August, I am going to ring the clinics and find out the waiting times from each.
Ahhhh it's great news hun - just think in a matter of months you could have your bfp :) x
Wow Vicky, fantastic news! So pleased you're not having to waste time going through Clomid again. So excited for you! x x
I'm so pleased for you hun! I've been lurking & reading about all of the ladies who I was in TTC with and wishing you your BFP's! Hopefully you'll get yours very very soon! :) x
Just catching up with your news vicky, this is great although I totally understand how scary and daunting it is xxxx
Thats great news Vicky :)

I really hope that you're one of lucky ones and it is only a matter of time for your BFP :good:

I know it's scary being able to see the end of ttc the horizon but it's what you've been working towards all this time - possibly as few as 5 cycles away!!! ;)

Forget waiting times though... Look at success rates!

We could be cycle buddies :)

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