++++ blood


Mar 19, 2008
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Hi Everyone,

Recently I had a scare (threatened miscarriage), U/S showed baby was doing great, perfect size, good heartbeat and kicking away in my womb, so I'm very relieved as at the time I was devistated thinking the worst. Doctors have no idea as to why I was bleeding and couldn't locate the cause of the bleeding which has stoped now.

I had a urine test the other day and the MW has wrote ++++ blood and ++ protein, I don't know what this means and was wondering if any of you ladies knew what the + signs mean.

Thanks, and I hope everyone is doing well
:) :) :) :) :)
Sorry I can't be of any help as I'm not sure.

My notes have a key code bit at the start, is there anything similar in yours that could help? x
+++ blood means that you blood type is positive.

This is the most common blood group.

--- blood mean - rhesus negative blood group which is rare.

sorry donna that is wrong - you are thinkin of Rh+ and Rh-

on thr urine dip you can find blood traces without there being enough to make the wee red if you see what I mean - it is called microscopic haematuria - literally microscopic blood in urine.

It does NOT mean you are bleeding around the baby but you may have a urine infection - your MW should have sent the sample to look for signs of infection.

the + is a measure of how much and relates to a set amount - roughly speaking though...

NAD = none
trace = possibly tiny bit
+ = a bit
++ = some
+++ = quite a bit
++++ = lots

so there was lots of blood and quite a bit of protein in your wee. Probably caused by a water infection but if you have no stinging when you go and are otherwise well they will want to wait until the "culture" comes back to see if any bugs grow - this will avoid you and baby having antibiotics unless you need them.

The protein is not surprising as blood is a protein so often comes up as + if blood is present.

Don't worry but please call your midwife tomorrow and ask her what is going on :)
smile is right, at our hospital we use that scale (i work in a&e). You can have blood showing in your urine & it not actually show to look at. It may still be in your system from the bleeding you had if it wasnt long ago or like others have said from infection. if it was something to be worried about im sure the midwife would have mentioned it to you. if its still playing on your mind i would give her a call tomorrow just to put your mind at ease.
Thanks for all your quick replies, it all now makes more sense to me. I had all sorts of swabs and samples taken when I was admitted to hospital with the bleeding. I think I will take your advice and call my MW tommorrow as any results or how long the lab will take to get results has not been explained to me and although I know everything is fine with baby it still has me wondering.

Thanks again,
Nicola :)
I had unexplained bleeding with Isaac at 5wks, and at the scan all was pronounced fine, and he's here now and fine :) They use the terminology 'threatened miscarriage', for unexplained bleeding, which I found very disturbing at the time, as I see you did, but bleeding whilst pregnant for no apparent reason is very common, though that's certainly not to say you don't seek medical advice asap if it happens :hug:

Just wanted to say that it can happen but mean nothing bad is going to happen. Very best wishes, I would definitely ask your MW about your notes if you're ever unsure, but smile's done a great job of explaining the terminology of them for you above :hug:

http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/a ... regexpert/

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