

Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2008
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i feel so sick today my boss sent me home from work,i was poorly last night before i went to bed and puked my guts up,it was the worse sickness i've had so far as i usually just retch rather then actually being sick.
i woke up this morning still feeling very tender,spent all morning at work running in and out of the loo retching,i got sent home as i had a temperature and felt really weak.
has anyone else had this?
i'm assuming the high temperature was from the retching?
i feel slightly better now as i went to my mums for a while when i left work and she has looked after me,my temperature has come down but i still feel sickly. :puke:
i was hoping that this stage would be passing soon as im 10 weeks on monday. :pray:
awww hun hope you are feeling better :hug:

I felt quite rough yesterday; think the heat doesn't help :D
hello all!
im still off work today as i feel so rough again.
wonder what stage this will pass??
i am not complaining (well not too much!) i know its a good sign but i feel so bleurgh! :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:
Me as well darling, I feel ill, as Tina says I dont think the heat is helping... I seem to have lost my appetite cause my tummy is just churning all the time.... im not complaining cause as ya say its a good sign but according to OH im been a right moan :lol:
:rotfl: men eh!!

im sure they would cope a lot worse then we do,i reckon thats why we carry the children or the human race would probably have ended by now if it was up to them!
Claire I think your right :lol:

I keep telling him im just moaning so that he feels part of the pregnancy from day one!!!
MrsBrightside said:
Claire I think your right :lol:

I keep telling him im just moaning so that he feels part of the pregnancy from day one!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: i'll try that one when he comes home from work!!!!

anyone else had the one yet where you disagree and he says to you "its your hormones!!"
OH loves using my hormones as an excuse for my behavior at the moment :lol: and he keeps telling me im beeing a cow when I can honestly say im not :rotfl: :rotfl: well mayb just a little but I cant stop
bloody men!!
were if we disagreed before he would "sometimes" admit he was in the wrong he just says its the hormones now making me snap at him! ...............i agree "sometimes" it is but not always! :D :shhh:
mine just keeps saying god 9 month of you like this :lol: pmsl

but no ya right everything I disagree with is down to my hormones...... bloody men!!!
Poor you Claire!! And men....well frankly they don't have a clue.
Right, let me be an Australian snob for starters... It's not bloody hot!!! The past few days have been the first time I've felt like England is capable of doing anything like a normal temperature and it's been FANBLOODYTASTIC! I even went walking on the North York Moors and found a little creek to have a swim in. :cheer:

Also, I'm sure only someone from Yorkshire could start a sentence with "I've been feeling poorly..." Don't they teach you anything at school here. I'm sure that's not correct English!?!

But hey, back to things we do have in common... :puke: Yeah, I feel absolutely rotten pretty much 100% of the time. Sorry (but kind of glad too) to hear that you feel the same way :hug: . Here's hoping we get over it soon.

And men... yeah... :wall: Rather have them than not though eh? Take care.
Cairns said:
Also, I'm sure only someone from Yorkshire could start a sentence with "I've been feeling poorly..." Don't they teach you anything at school here. I'm sure that's not correct English!?!

im sorry but i do not take very kindly to that comment and find it an personal insult,i actually posted "i was poorly last night before i went to bed".............. i think you will find by googling the word "poorly" it means "ill". (in english!)
Being from Yorkshire has nothing to do with it! if you don't like how i have worded my posts you don't have to read it or reply!
Can i just reply that i am also from Yorkshire and didnt know that we werent allowed to use our own accents. I also didnt realise that we had to use the queens English on an online forum!

I appreciate that its even hotter than this in other countries but when us Yorkshire lasses are not used to it, it can be tiering.
When i was in Adelaide i loved the heat but it was a very dry heat and easier to deal with then our mugginess.

I know all us ladies on here are hormonal but as a Yorkshire lass myself i took offence to the last post.

Can we please keep on topic here and be more supportive, not all pregnancys are the same and some struggle more than other so can we be more supportive and not shoot others down for this.

Thanks, have a nice weekend all :)
keelie_b said:
Can i just reply that i am also from Yorkshire and didnt know that we werent allowed to use our own accents. I also didnt realise that we had to use the queens English on an online forum!

I appreciate that its even hotter than this in other countries but when us Yorkshire lasses are not used to it, it can be tiering.
When i was in Adelaide i loved the heat but it was a very dry heat and easier to deal with then our mugginess.

I know all us ladies on here are hormonal but as a Yorkshire lass myself i took offence to the last post.

Can we please keep on topic here and be more supportive, not all pregnancys are the same and some struggle more than other so can we be more supportive and not shoot others down for this.

Thanks, have a nice weekend all :)


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