keelie_b says >not all pregnancys are the same and some struggle more than other so can we be more supportive and not shoot others down for this...
Alright, now it's my turn to be offended. I'd like you to imagine for a second that you were just as pregnant and sick and hormonal with your first baby as you are now, only you are on the other side of the planet from all of your family and closest friends, you have no money, nowhere to live when the baby is born and no chance for government assistance or maternity pay because of your nationality. Maybe things would be easier if you just went home but you aren't planning to because you want your baby and its father to know each other even though the pregnancy is unplanned and he's told you that he doesn't want a baby.
But hey, I must not be struggling with anything at the moment because I'm trying to have a friendly stab at some language and climate differences.
>I appreciate that its even hotter than this in other countries but when us Yorkshire lasses are not used to it, it can be tiering. When i was in Adelaide i loved the heat but it was a very dry heat and easier to deal with then our mugginess.
I'm from Cairns, not Adelaide. It's tropical rainforest and believe me, it's muggy.
>I know all us ladies on here are hormonal but as a Yorkshire lass myself i took offence to the last post.
I'm living in Yorkshire, with my Yorkshire partner and I love it here. I love the countryside and the people. I find it strange but cute that all the kids I work with say that they're feeling "poorly" when I think they mean "ill".
I didn't mean to offend anyone with my post and I'm sorry for any offense I did cause. It was honestly meant to be a friendly joke. You ladies are the only people I can talk to at the moment about my concerns and having you all take offense and turn on me with what feels like a personal attack has left me bawling my eyes out.