

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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I started losing some red blood this afternoon on wiping and its lasted a couple of hours but only when i wipe with some mild cramping!I rang my midwife who told me to ring epau, who cant get me in until friday at 8.30am!Until then ive got to keep an eye on it and if it gets heavier or i pass any clots ive got to go to A&E!Im terrified xxx

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Aww hun, hope it goes away not sure what it means because I have not experienced it but fingers crossed all is OK
I can't believe they won't see you til Friday? That seems really cruel tbh.

I would go to a&e anyways and overplay it to them, I wouldn't be able to stop worrying otherwise.

There are loads of reasons for bleeding though so, I know it's easy to say, but try not to worry hun.

Let us know how you get on and wish you all the best xxx
I agree go to a & e and play it up a bit, its dreadful that they won't see you until Friday, FX for you Hun x
Hi hun I'm in the same boat as you. My epu wouldn't see me without a doctors referral I had to go to the doc twice yesterday and at last am having bloods done to see if my pregnancy hormones are rising. I get my next blood test Thursday so should no Friday. Epau were supposed to be in touch today but haven't I'm going to call them tomorrow again.
Good luck Hun it's not always a bad outcome it can often be implantation bleeding. Xxxx
Fingers crossed for you that it's just implantation bleeding. Can't believe they wont see you til friday! I agree with the girls, go straight down to a&e. They'll be able to test you and give you some reassurance, maybe even encourage the epau to see you earlier! Good luck with it, let us know how it all goes!
At nearly 12 weeks they should see you hun.

My EPU has a walk-in clinic (as well as appointments) so you can go as an emergency without an appointment?? I guess not all do this.

Is there any other EPU's near you?

Early bleeding I am always inclined to say wait it out as not even the EPU can see much with an internal scan until 6/7 weeks BUT in your case I'd demand to see someone ASAP!

I hope it's nothing sinister

I would definately play it up and go to a&e, it will defo put your mind at rest x
As everyone else has said, I would go to A&E, u deserve to know what's going on and not being seen til Fri is just not good enough!

Good luck hun xx

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Well ladies i went up to A&E this afternoon as the bleeding tapered off last night but returned again aroun d 1pm today. All the staff were lovely, the dr took my bloods and felt my tummy and did a urine sample. Urine sample showed blood but no infection. Theyve managed to get me a scan tomorrow morning at 11.30 so one way or another ill know whats happening. Im not hopeful but im glad ill know whats happening!I cant deal with not knowing xxx

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:hug: Keeping everything crossed for you. Will be thinking of you tomorrow x x
Thank you ladies, my scan is 11.30 so ill update then xxx

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Best of luck xx

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Best of luck hun, I have my fx for u xxx

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