Bleeding- need advice


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2012
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I am only 4 weeks + 3 days and today I have started bleeding it started off just brown discharge then when I wiped i have had a small amount of fresh blood. What am I meant to do now just hold out and wait and see what happens? :-(
I also have lower back pain and achy in my stomach
I started having this just this weekend but without pains. If you're concerned go to an out of hours or your own doctor. Xx
It could be a number of things but unless in major pain, a dr will jsut advise you to rest and test for pregnancy again in a week, this happened to me last month and unfortunately it was an early miscarriage a chemical pregnancy, i am now pregnant again, but this is what they said to me, as they cant check anything this early. U need to be atleast 7 weeks for them to detect a heart beat. I am 4 plus 5, and i have achying, ive put it down to stretching out again, otherwise psychological as i know something is growing in there. U might be ok, if you gets lots of fresh red blood, speak to NHS direct.


p.s hope all turns out well for u xx
I have had fresh red blood with a couple of tiny clots I had stomach cramps and back ache so I'm guessing it is a early miscarriage. Feeling sad about it but glad I was only 4 weeks. How long will it last if it is? Thanks for your replies! Xx
So sorry Holsf , Iit's usually like a normal AF , a week maybe a little longer , big (((hugs))) x
sounds like a loss, but to be sure I would retest in a few days, if you still get a faint line test again in another few days after that to see if it's lighter etc. this will show hcg levels dropping. If lines remain I would see your gp and get a scan to see what's going on.

sorry to hear of your loss if it this early stage it could just be like a normal period and you may find your next cycle is pretty normal on timing, maybe ovulation a few days later than normal.
Thanks for your advice iwant3 will do a test in a few days just feels like a normal period now just a bit of back ache blood is still flowing hoping it doesn't last to long so I can start trying again :-( hope to see you all again soon xx
Hi, so sorry to read this. I experienced something very similar in May. Found out I was pregnant and then about a week later I started bleeding at about 4-5 weeks and was like a normal period but did pass some small clots too and a few days later pregnancy test was negative again and blood tests confirmed very low hcg levels. I guess with these sensitive pregnancy tests we find out so early but if I hadn't been testing so early I wouldn't have even known I was pregnant and would have assumed it was my normal period but a week late. Like you I was glad if it was never going to be then at least it was at a very early stage.

Fortunately I managed to conceive straight away again so now almost 7 weeks pregnant again. Hope you will soon have your BFP again xxx
How long did your bleeding last and when did you ovulate did you conceive straight away? I'm hoping we can get straight on to trying agin once the bleeding stops. Thanks for all your replies it really helps xx
Bleeding lasted 4 days. Yeah fell pregnant straight away, think I ovulated just a couple of days later than I would have normally. We decided to just have sex as normal and see what happens and 5 weeks later I had a positive pregnancy test. (My cycles are about 31 days too).

All the best xx
Ok that's good to know mine seems to be slowing down already and I still have sore nipples is this normal? When do you think a test would show negative if I'm not anymore. Thanks x
Could take a few days, depends how high your hcg levels had gone up. I was told mine were just enough to get the positive digital test but never really rose and pregnancy was never going to take so pregnancy test was negative again 2 days after bleeding started.

Just test when you're ready to Hun xx
Our baby stopped growing at 8 weeks and we found out at 12 weeks scan. I miscarried a week later and exactly 4 weeks from then I had a normal period. So, please try and take some comfort from the knowledge that it takes a relatively short time for your body to get back to normal and you can start trying again.

I'm really sorry this is happening to you :(
Hey Hun remember you from my first pregnancy we were pregnant together, sorry about your loss, I had early mc before Myla, it took me about 7 weeks before I ovulated again but then caught straight away with Myla, hope your ok xxx

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