Bleeding holding onto hope!


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2016
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Hi, I wondered if anyone can help.

I got my BFP this week.. I am 17dpo today.. I've had a faint line on test day and it's been getting darker since.. however clear blue digital Have always said not pregnant.. I also took a cb digital last night and again it said not pregnant..

I woke up this morning with dried blood on my legs.. Went to the bathroom and on wiping there was dark red blood. Its mostly on wiping only ever seems to mark the pad after I've been sat down. I have a dull ache on my left side/back but that comes and goes..

I've just taken another test and it's showing as positive and also the cb now says pregnant 1-2 can I take this as a good sign? The fact the cb digi is now saying pregnant 1-2 instead of not pregnant like it did last night?
I've spoken to the epu and they've got me in for a scan on Monday based on my lmp.. she did say something about keeping an eye on the pain and calling back of it worsened.

Not experienced anything like this before and although I'm trying to be positive I'm failing miserabley!

Any advice/experience would be greatly appreciated x
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I have just got back from seeing the gynae at my local hospital.. and I'm still confused after asking my questions..

After an internal.. my cervix is closed.. and the hcg levels in my blood are are really low at 26 At 17dpo Does this definitely mean I am or will miscarry.

The doctor was nice but has confused me. I was supposed to have a scan Monday however as it's so low she said repeat test in a week of positive call epu to arrange a scan.

This morning still +hpt and cb digi still saying 1-2wks

Any input would be greatly appreciated.
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I'd say if clear blue is now saying positive it's a good sign but 26 is pretty low. I don't really have an answer, but didn't want to read and run.
Some women do have low rising hcg tho xx
I'd say if clear blue is now saying positive it's a good sign but 26 is pretty low. I don't really have an answer, but didn't want to read and run.
Some women do have low rising hcg tho xx

Well said. I would hope that CB Digi result is a positive but I'm not sure. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and I hope you the best. I'm sorry I don't have the answer you're looking for and I can understand your worry. But, please do try and keep your head up however hard it may seem.
Thank you peanutButter and StephHarris212 for replying! It's the waiting game that just adds to the worry. At least if I knew it was the worst case scenario I'd be able to go through the motions if you get what I mean. But whilst there's still the tiniest bit of hope I can't help but clutch at straws!i really do appreciate the replies though so thank you both very much xx
Thank you peanutButter and StephHarris212 for replying! It's the waiting game that just adds to the worry. At least if I knew it was the worst case scenario I'd be able to go through the motions if you get what I mean. But whilst there's still the tiniest bit of hope I can't help but clutch at straws!i really do appreciate the replies though so thank you both very much xx

It's no problem. Keep us posted on how things are going okay?
Hi MamaBear, sorry to hear you're going through this. I'm playing the waiting game too as not back at the EPU till next week and still bleeding heavily and have passed some large clots. Sac was still there yesterday along with a large clot that could be clearly seen on the scan but as you said it's hard to get on with things when there is even the tiniest bit of hope. I'm only about 5 weeks so hard to see anything on the scan anyway without the added problem of all the bleeding. Really hope things work out for you as I know how stressful and worrying it is xxxx
Thank you all!!!

I had a scan done yesterday which I think confirms miscarriage altho the sonography has written on the paper possibly too early pregnancy as their is fluid in my uterus is also quite big 5.8 and bulky which she said is normal in pregnancy. my womb lining is ridiculously thin and inline with what they'd expect after a mc.. I've been told to test if negative fine if not call epu on Saturday..

I have done a test today out of curiosity and it's now saying pregnant 2-3 which has gone up from the 1-2 on Friday. I'm so confused! Does this mean I could possibly have an ectopic? As I'm pretty sure a womb lining of 3.2mm can not sustain a pregnancy.
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Thank you all!!!

I had a scan done yesterday which I think confirms miscarriage altho the sonography has written on the paper possibly too early pregnancy as their is fluid in my uterus is also quite large 5.8 and bulky which she said is normal for pregnancy. my womb lining is ridiculously thin and inline with what they'd expect after a mc.. I've been told to test if negative fine if not call epu on Saturday..

I have done a test today out of curiosity and it's now saying pregnant 2-3 which has gone up from the 1-2 on Friday. I'm so confused! Does this mean I could possibly have an ectopic? As I'm pretty sure a womb lining of 3.2mm can not sustain a pregnancy.
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That's quite concerning that it's gone up! Did she check your tubes etc? I would call doctors today or tomorrow! X
Thanks peanutButter!! She had a look at the tubes and said she couldn't see anything but said that ectopic can't be ruled out by a scan alone. Epu said to wait til Friday re test and call with the result they will do tests after my concern is if it is an ectopic isn't time of the essence here? Xx
Hi didn't want to read and run. Really hope it was just to early to see anything and not an eptoic pregnancy. Good luck. X
Hi mamabear, i really hope it all works out and will be keeping an eye on your post. I hope my words can maybe help you relax a little till you have more tests on Friday. I don't have experience of this personally but my understanding is it can very much be too early to see anything on a scan and they can get it so wrong at this stage. Also at 4 weeks your hcg can be anything from 5-400 odd it just differs from person to person but as long as it's doubling that's what matters.
Good luck and il keep my fingers crossed for you x
Qwerty123 I hope all goes well and its good news for you hun!!

Just providing an update... Bleeding has stopped now although I do have the occasional pinky discharge when wiping... Hpt still showing as positive and tomorrow is friday! never in my life have I looked forward to a day the way I have this week! will let you all know how I get on x
Good luck for tomorrow,
I had something similar, was classed as a pregnancy of unknown location, as had high hcg levels of 900, but they couldn't see anything, apart from an empty sac, and various dark bits around my right ovary/tube.
Unfortunately for me, it didn't end well, wherever it was, I started to miscarry naturally, and I never got any answers about what had happened.
All the best for tomorrow, let us know what happens! No bleeding and pos tests are still a great sign, so praying you will have good news xxx
Thank you Lea554.. had more bloods taken this morning so just waiting for the phone call to advise what the plan is from here.. I found out that when I had my bloods done last week my progesterone level was 15 and from what I can tell that's a good thing!.. lady who took my bloods said that my womb lining on Monday (3.2mm) is what they expect in women who are not pregnant however as my test is staying I am she said it may have just been too early? Not sure how as I thought the womb thickens up from ov but I'm still hoping for the best!! Hope you are all doing well!

I wanna thank you all for taking the time to reply! It's been a great help! My other half doesn't really know what to do with himself at the moment. I really do appreciate the support x
I got the results of todays blood test and my HCG level has gone from 26 to 431! I could cry! nurse said i deffo havent had a miscarriage however cant rule out ectopic and hcg still too low for a scan so back on sunday am for some more bloods and hopefully a plan can be put into place! im in tears... not out of the rough yet but the increase has really made my day!!!!
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Hi hon, sorry to be reading this. In my experience (after 11 losses), I would say it also likely that you may have had an ectopic pregnancy but fingers crossed that we are all wrong and baby is just a little shy x
Thank you Leeann10 I thought as much but still tryna hold on to hope... Sorry to hear of your losses!!

The midwife (who is aware of my situation and results) has called today and asked to do my booking app when im around 7weeks?? this has just thrown me completely! She knows about my situation and has been informed of my results from today.. She also knows that Im due to have more bloods taken sunday am :/

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