Bleeding holding onto hope!

That's a little unusual! My midwives wouldn't see my until 10 weeks this time and I didn't lose my baby girl until 12 weeks!

It's your call hon if you want to see her first though xx
I wouldn't be 7 weeks til the 23rd (I think) so should know what's what by then.. just found it odd that she wanted to see me.

Hopefully it's good news Sunday! keeping positive.

Had bloods done again today so now waiting for the call with an update she said it will be today so that's good! Next thing from here is a scan well that's if my levels have increased.. she said she thinks it's a pregnancy that's trying to grow but failing. Remaining hopeful will keep updating this incase anyone is still following xx
Good luck for today, and hopefully your levels have gone up enough for you to have a scan - at least then they can have a proper look and see what's going on. But still keep positive, it could all be fine, something's trying to grow in there! xx
Good luck! Still hoping for the best for you. Things can still turn around at any minute!
Thank you guys!!

Just had the call... she said my levels have only increased to 653.. so something is trying to grow somewhere.. now as the hcg has not doubled in the 48hours they want another blood test on Tuesday. Then from there if my hcg is still increasing it will be a scan and then how they treat it will be decided from there. But it's looking like an ectopic given my womb lining. Been told to keep an eye on any symptoms (nothing at the moment.. no pain.. no bleeding) she also said my iron level is low and has given me a prescription for it.

I wonder if a feral Doppler would pick up a heartbeat if it was in my tube? My worry now is as tie time goes on the chance of saving my tube (if that's where bean is) decrease...

Are. They able to tell why you've had one? We have decided to put off trying for another until next year simply because this has taken a lot out of me.. haven't been able to eat much.. managing 2-3 hours of sleep a night. My mind literally won't stop
Havehave started bleeding.. not heavy at the moment a little unsure on what to do now ��
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Is there not someone to call or do you have to wait till morning to call EPU? As far as I'm aware they can't tell why these things happen unfortunately. I
This happens Ed to someone I know and she got pregnant again a couple of months after and the pregnancy was fine. I know what it's like to mc so I understand but they say it's eaiser to get pregnant again after these horrible these horrible things.
I know this is not what you want but maybe if you mc naturally it will save your tube.
I feel so awful for you.
Sending lots of hugs x
I agree with the above, I was given options of a drug or my tube removed. If it had come to it, I would have opted for tube removal as although it reduces your chances of conceiving by about 25%, I didn't want it to happen again if my tube was left in and ended up scarred or damaged.
I started bleeding naturally which unfortunately is the best way. I still had concerns over damaged tubes and cysts, but I'm now pregnant again 2 months later and it's all in the right place.

They never told me what had happened and said they probably couldn't. Even on a scan, they can't see the tubes very well, they can just see masses, so I never really knew what had happened....not great for closure purposes!
Good luck and call your ePu - if you say suspected ectopic they will have to see you, it's too dangerous to leave it xx
Hi Mamabear

I have been reading your updates and I have been going through similar. I started bleeding frequent but light on 8th, lost nothing on 9th then 10th I lost so much blood, clots and the pain was quite severe. I continued to bleed over the weekend. I rang the doctors who advised that it sounded like a miscarriage (im 4/5 weeks). I also had an early scan because I thought I was 7 weeks. The sonographer couldnt see anything obvious what she did see (the scan was before the heavy bleeding) was a very tiny white dot that she said coule be the pregnancy but it looks around 4 weeks, obviouskly she was only guessing because a scan that early wont prove anything.
I havent done a test or had bloods done since the heavy painful bleeding because I know 99% of me knows it was a miscarriage but that 1% is clinging onto hope.
I got to be pregnant for 4 days before this happened and I am not ready to face up to more hurt again :( I feel your pain and I really hope something positive comes out of this for you, rising levels are a positive thing xx
Lea554 sorry about your loss!! Congratulations on your rainbow baby! Pleased to here all is going well!! Also nice to know that even with a tube removed its not the end of the story!!

toriallulu sorry to hear you're going through this. It is such a stressful and worrying time! I would ask to have your HCG levels checked that way you have a better picture of what's happening. Hope everything is ok and it was just an early pregnancy bleed!! keep me updated hun xx

Went back this morning for what I am hoping will be my last blood test (atleast for a while) Nurse struggled to get any blood this time.. it was a really slow trickle and only filled what im guessing is just under a quarter of the tube. Can see all the places the needles have been *covers face* they all favour the same vain! Now just to wait for today's results... they are usually quite quick with getting them back normally 2-4 hours.
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Can i add I mc and then got pregnant some time after and I now have a 8month old. A friend had a still birth at 20 weeks at x mas and is now pregnant again and all is going ok. So yes it's really upsetting and no baby will replace the one you could be losing but it's not the end and you will get pregnant again probably sooner than you think if you tried straight away.

Hopefully your pregnancy will continue and its just a blib.

How are you doing now have you been back to the hospital x

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