bleeding from back passage....sorry TMI :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2010
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Sorry in advance girls...just so worried had to post....:(

hey girls...a lil embarrasing but a lil worried and wanted to ask if anyone else had experienced the same. After my c section last time i was very constipated and after a while i did start getting reoccuring bleeding from back passage. So they did give me cream for it which calmed it.
Im 24+3 days and have lost quite a bit when went to the loo this morning. Rang delivery suite they said to ring got apt for 10.30..still worried....dont want it affecting my lil bubba....
look forward to hearing some not constipated either, drink plenty of water and fruit juices and fibre...just dont understand!!! :(
thanks girls xx
Sounds like piles or an anal fissher which is a small tear inside, its probably just piles tho, think you need to get some cream and get on the fybogel or lactalose to help make it easier to go. hope your better soon. oh and either way it wont affect baby :) x
Thanks guy...just cant wait to see gp to get it sorted...just cant help worrying having our lil bubbas inside us :( xx
:hugs:Hey try not to worry, it prob is piles or something - I know any blood from anywhere when you're PG is scary though! Hopefully doc will reassure you. I've had bleeding from back passage on & off since PG, not painful or anything but bright red, think it's just a small tear or something as dont seem to have piles!!
thanks girls for ur advice...real help and reassuring....yeh he said its piles...will have to have treated after baby is born. and said it will get worse as the pregnancy progresses....great!! Its not harmful to baby, so thats put my mind at rest. said not to use anything, gave anusol incase gets really bad, other than that high fibre diet which i already do!! so will have to see.....
anyway hope ur all well, hugs to bumps....and thanks again xxx
Ok, well glad it isn't anything serious - just a right pain in the :bum::lol: xxxxx
drink lots and lots of water too, that should help a little bit softer bowel movements :)
oh..sad to hear that!! hope it gets better soon..glad it will not affect the baby but might be uncomfortable for all said water does helps..I am trying at least 3 litres every day..and that has helped me from constipation problem..Also, try to have early dinner like 3 hrs before u sleep..that really helps digestion
Yes the joys of pregnancy! But they are very easy to treat hun and they do disappear pretty quickly :)
Oh no, at least you know what it is now and it's all fixable , did they recomend somethign to help you like Fybogel, I find that really good, along with high fat food !:whistle:
Oh no, at least you know what it is now and it's all fixable , did they recomend somethign to help you like Fybogel, I find that really good, along with high fat food !:whistle:

Well he wasnt too happy in my using anything as said the less meds used in preg the better, as am on alot anyway with my lupus. But did give me a cream just incase i need it and it gets worse. Seems better today, so maybe just adjusting diet should sort it! High fat il tell my OH that later ;) ...thanks for ur advice hun xx :dance:
My Dr didnt hesitate in giving me Fybogel and Proctofoam (My old Dr swears by proctofoam and its soooooooooo much better then anusol but you can only get it on prescription) As far as im aware fybogel is fine to use in pregnancy and there shouldnt be any reason you couldnt have it. Also any creams used shouldnt affect baby anyway unless they say do not use in pregnancy.
Seems strange that a Dr would rather you leave it till after baby as they could get alot worse by then. I read somewhere that your meant to use the cream when they are irritating and up to 2/3days after to help shrink them down again. Hope you dont have too much trouble with them x
Thanks Becks.....i might look into that gel and see if its better. It is much better today!! so hopefully will calm down :)...but yeh he wasnt very helpful to be honest! Il mention it at my hos appointment on monday and see what they say! Hope u and Bump are doing well xx

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