bleeding/discharge in early pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Hi girls

Yesterday afternoon and this morning I noticed some brown/light pink colour discharge - only a bit but had it a couple of times. OH made me call EPU at local hospital and they have booked me in - wondered if anyone else has had this? Really worried....
I had this about 3-4 weeks in and it was implantation bleeding. x
ive had bleeding 2 or 3 times in total lol been for 2 emergency scans everything ended up fine i am now 17 weeks and had bleeding the other week aswell i was realy worried and contacted the midwife they done a scan and everything was fine thank god i would worry or less u have bright red blood and really bad cramp u should be fine xx
i had it with my first daughter - first of all at 6 weeks then again at 12. its usually nothing to worry about unless you have clots, pain or heavy bleeding but always good to get it checked out and put your mind at rest. think bleeding in early pregnancy is quite common tho. im sure you will be fine xxx
I had a pink streak when wiping last wed night, some brown discharge on the thurs and a little pink spotting on saturday...Im hoping this was IB but it totally freaked me out.....hope everything is ok when you get your
Thanks everyone. I am 6-7 weeks at the mo....going for scan on Thursday at 3.00 so will let u know how it goes xxx
Ive had another pink streak when wiping just before and a bit crampy AF type like pain....fingers crossed it doesnt last...let us know how you get on sarah and hope all is well xxx
Hope your scan goes ok, it really could be Imlplantation bleeding, let us all know how you get on XX
Ive woke up this morning and got more blood....quite a bit on wiping and its going from pinky/red to light brown.....more than I had on saturday and got a little bit of cramping very mild but there....Im off to see nurse this morning to confirm pregnancy but hoping she can do something or send me for a scan but as Im only 5+1 Im not sure she will or even if they can do anything....this is so
Ah im scared Karen....feels like Im bleeding as I sit but Im scared to go back to loo and look! Not massive amount but not just a streak either....and it had more redish blood and not just pinkish brown this time....really poanicking again this is so awful I felt really happy last night and now I feel down again that Im loosing the
Oh hon....try not to get too panicky yet - might be fine - a lot of people bleed in pregnancy with no probs. U got any pain? xxx
Thanks Karen....Im trying to stay calm.....and read that lots have this but scared.
No pain just mild cramping and feel
I hope all is well the above must be good signs tho as your body is stretching and I am feeling sick as well xx keep us posted
Wilma I hope everything is ok with you - let's both think positive. Let me know how you go at doctors. I am nervous about my appointment at epu tomorrow but thankfully (touch wood) have had no more bleeding since monday. Does anyone know what they will do tomorrow? Will I have a scan? They haven't told me if I have to drink lots of water or anything before I go! xxxxxx
Thanks Sarah yeah definately trying to stay positive.........Just got home from seeing nurse....

She did test with my FMU and was neg....showed her the pics and explained that Im tending to get my positives when I test with samples later in the day and she said my pics showed positives although faint! Sending my sample off to labs but I really think I will still get a neg tho as it was FMU!
Told her about spotting Ive had on sat...and that it started again last night with a streak and again today it is worse although still not like a period for me as Im always mega heavy! She said that a lot of poeple do get bleeding thjis early and that is can be normal but that it can also be a loss. She said they wont scan me this early and if I am loosing then there is nothing they can do this early......said I basically have to go home and rest, try not to stress and forget about it for a few days and 'watch this space'......said they wouldnt do a blood test atm so I suppose Ive dont all I can and all I can now do is wait and see what happens.....Anyone know how to hypnotise me for the next few days?? God this is
fingers crossed for you sweetheart - xxxxxxxx
I've been bleeding on and off for just over a week i went and had an early scan where they said i was 4-5weeks pregnant but they couldn't rule anything out so they re booked me for the 14th to check everything. i had to have an internal as they couldn't see anything on the normal ultrasound. i would take some water with you anyway and they will more than likely do a scan. i still feel pregnant the doctor said to me if anything bad will happen i'd stop bleeding and have no pregnancy symptoms but as i still feel sick and get really tired i assume i will be ok :) good luck and let us know how you get on :)

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