bleeding and cramps :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2007
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I have been having cramps in my lower tummy since Friday when I had to move a very heavy safe slightly at work because the door would not open on it. As I moved it, I could feel the musles in my stomach pull so I stopped. But since then I have had some cramps (like period cramps lower down).

I didn't think much of it but when I went for a pee this morning at 5.45, I had bright red bleeding. I called the maternity assessment unit and they aske me to go up. I didn't go up until about 11.30pm but when I did get there, they listened to the baby (the heartbeat seemed fine) and then they examined me to try and see where the bleeding was coming from. The saw the bleeding and came back to me and said they wanted to keep me in for observation overnight and to send me for an early scan in the morning to check everything.

The thing is, this was really awkward as my husband has got work really early and his job is on the line as it is so I didn't want him calling in in the morning because he would have had to stay at home and look after our 3 year old son.

So with all of this in mind, I discharged myself and said I'll just go up in the morning first thing for a scan.
Since then, I have had more bright red bleeding and cramps too. Do you think I should stay at home and just get some rest and go in in the morning or call back now and see if they want me to go in? I really don't know what to do. I don't want my husband to lose his job (his work place are really funny latey and are a horrible company to work for). What would you ladies do?

Phone them and see what they say. I know I wouldn't be able to sleep x

Hope everythin is ok xx
I know it's difficult but I would go back in where they can keep an eye on u x

I'd try to go back in. Is there anyone else who could look after your little one for the morning?

id go in for them to keep an eye on you becuse ur in the best place then xx must be difficult for u xx
Thanks for your advice ladies. It is a very difficult situation. Will call and see what they say. xxxx
yea id say go in. at least they take care of you and itll keep your mind at ease. hope everythings ok :) xxx
Fx everything's ok, let us know what you decide/how it goes etc.
I'd go in too. Let us know what happens. Hope everything is okay x
Oh no hun is there no one else that could have your LO? I really would go in if i were you so they can observe it. Your not going to be able to sleep at home. Hope everything is okay hun xxx
I'm with the other ladies, would go in hun.

Really hope all ok. Sending you a big hug :hug:

sorry to read this hunny. let us know how you get on. sending lots of good thoughts your way xxx
Hope all goes okay Hun, let us know how you get on xx
:hug: Hope everything is ok! Sending lots of positive vibes your way xx
yeah i'm the same would def go in is there nobody who could have your lo or even go with you and just have him in the waiting room? hope everything is ok x
Hi Ladies

Thank you for all of your kind messages. I had to go back in for a scan this morning to check the placenta. The songrapher said everything seemed fine and I saw the baby, the heartbeat and everything and they measured him/her and all seemed ok for the gestational age. I've got to keep an eye on the bleeding and if it doesn't get any better, I've got to go back in for another assessment so they can try and find where it is comng from. I'm just glad baby is ok.

Thanks again for all of your support. xx

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