Bleeding again


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I can't believe I've started bleeding again. Haven't bled for nearly 3 weeks after it being almost constant.
Had Nuchal scan yesterday and everything looks ok but she was pressing so hard that I'm bruised and have bled again this morning. They kept poking me about as baby wasn't moving much this time and just kept stretching and putting it's hands up to it's face when it was prodded.
I'm not worried about blood as it has stopped now and could hear heartbeat on doppler this morning.
Rang the epu and they said not to worry unless I get pain and it gets heavier.
Also every time I do anything a little bit energetic I have a little bleed. I had got all excited because I was going to go swimming today because there was no bleeding showing when I had scan, I haven't been in a pool since Nov and I'm getting a fat arse :moon:
Anyway, off work again for another two days (my boss must hate me) to sit on the sofa watching daytime tv.
its like that with me everytime im walkin about and open my bowels it starts up, if im still lyin dwn etc it stops.
well at least your not having any pains. it must be terribly worrying though. a few of my friends had what seemed like a period every month throughout their pregnancy. Just get as much rest as possible. :hug:
Oh no, maybe hon sorry to hear you're bleeding, :hug: good everythings ok though :)
Everything is fine. Used doppler this morning to put my mind at rest and could hear heartbeat straight away, could also hear movement for the the first time so that put a smile on m face :D .
I don't want to moan as I'm so happy I'm pregnant but finding it very frustrating having to rest all the time.
I'm going to the docs tommorrow to see if he will sign me off work for a week or two as I have an active job with heavy lifting. It might give the bleeding a chance to stop and also my back has been playing up.
Please PLEASE ou take it easy! I think atm we need to rest lots to make sure the bambinos are ok!

:hug: :hug:

Thank goodness for dopplers to give us reassurance when you have persistant bleeding.

You need to be very careful with your job and lifting heavy things.

If it's any consolation I had bleeding and spotting in first tri with my son and it stopped at 13.5 weeks.

Lets hope yours is coming to an end too :hug:

Jemz, hope you're OK too hun. Take things easy.
I'm hoping that it will stop soon :pray: .
I think I need a proper rest. I'm a delivery driver so in and out a van delivering car parts. I refuse to lift anything heavy and get funny looks when I ask the customers to unload the van for me. Counting down the days until maternity leave :lol: .
At least I have my sofa, sky tv and the fridge to keep me company at home.
It definitely takes the gloss of things when you suffer with bleeding all the time, it's so worrying.

Hope you manage to get proper rest :hug:
Went to the doc this morning and I've been signed off for a fortnight :cheer: .

Got to rest and this should sort the bleeding out. I asked him about my bad back and he said it's going to get worse before it gets better so that's something to look forward to. Still can't do any excercise or go swimming for another two weeks so my bum is going to get HUGE :moon: .
That's a relief! :cheer:

You can now enjoy your 2 weeks off!!


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