
madam bully

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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Didn't think I would ever be writing this so close to my 12 weeks but yesterday, I bled.

It was after me and DH had sex so I don't know if that had anything to do with it but it was bright red and scared the shit out of me. It stopped being bright red and turned brown after about 2 hours and it all stopped in the evening.

So we went to A&E and apparently, if you are bleeding or having a mc at the weekend they can't help you seeing as the EPU is only open monday to friday 9-5 which to me is a load of b*llocks and the earliest they could see me was tomorrow afternoon. :x

Luckily I have my nuchal fold scan today but have to go all the way to london so at least I will know today as I cannot bear to have another 24 hours like I have just had :cry:

No pain, no warning, nothing.

I don't know what I am supposed to do.
:hug: Don't panick hun, everything will be fine I am sure!!!! I will be keeping everything crossed for you so let me know how it goes at your scan :hug:

Love Evie x
Aw hun hope everything goes ok at the scan. Apparently its not uncommon to bleed after sex in the first trimester.
dont worry madam, I was told, only last week, that it's perfectly normal to bleed after sex... Ive had slight spotting after intercourse and had nothing to worry about.

Don't stress yourself, you will be fine, as long as its stopped now, and there was no accompanying pain.


Angela x
Hi, i have also heard that bleeding after intercourse is normal, something to do with the cervix being soft with blood.

Please don't worry i'm sure you will be fine. xx
:wave: Hi Sweetie, Try not to worry, it is very common for people to bleed after intercoarse, especially in the first tri....

As a mum who has lost I have looked into SO many symptoms of MC and pregnancy and well this is the most common worry for mum's to be...A bleed sends us frantic....but what we tend to forget is that almost ALL Bleed go on to have perfectly healthy babies...only a very slight few end in sadness...So please try not to think the worst.... Believe me when i say, Most ladies & babies are absolutely Fine. I know that won't stop you from worrying but i hope it helps you relax a little more....

Let us know how you get on Doll, Take care, chill out with your feet up..and Try to relax a wee bit :hug: lv Yvonne xx

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