Started bleeding again

Well ladies went for scan and saw the little bambino with a good heartbeat. Seems to be no reason for the bleeding other than maybe I did to much the previous day to the bleed. Scan was able to be done externally and baby is showing 16.7mm from 7mm a week or so ago. Off to the midwife for my first appointment now. This baby will be the death of me!!!!!!!!!
Thank you again for all the support and caring you all do. xxx
That's brilliant news, glad for u xx
i think your the same as me, i get bleeding now and again and i had a big bleed before my 2nd scan at 8.5 weeks passing clots but everything was fine! i have learnt to accept it bait more now! everything softens up when pregnant and the blood could come from elsewhere as the uterus is all plugged up now so nothing can get out or in :)
feel free to message me if you the support from someone who has/is going through the same as you
Thanks everyone. x

Rosey I will message you thanks for the support it nice to know someone else is going through the same.
So pleased to hear this Leanne!! Your baby sounds like a little pickle!!! But thank god it's a sticky :-) so happy for you honey xxx
I think this one is definitely gonna be the death of me!! Many years ago I went to a clairvoyant who said I would have 2 children and the first would be a easy pregnancy but a terrible birth and the second would be a terrible pregnancy but a easy birth. My first was a very easy pregnancy but resulted in a nasty emergency c-section and this looks like it will be a nasty pregnancy. Just holding on to the fact that he was right and this birth will be a breeze and will be a girl like he predicted! lol

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