Bleeding AGAIN!!!!!!

So how long is he grounded for now?
Stay strong hun x
Don't take aspirin hun unless it has been suggested by Dr or MW. It thins your blood.... So might end up making things worse at this stage. I bled on and off too. one thing it may be worth doing is ringing prenatal scans and explaining what keeps happening. They might be able to bring your scan forward to tomorrow if the have any gaps/cancellations or a sympathetic MW x

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Oh honey, it must be so stressful :( I've heard lots of people say spotting is normal and some women spot throughout pregnancy, but it's just not what you want to see is it? Like you say, at least not long to wait until your scan, but it will be hard, I know.

Hope you manage to get through the next few days hon - sending lots of hugs:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:xxxxxxxxx
i had bleeds at 8 weeks 4 days and 9 weeks 4 days, its so unnerving, i did get a scan each time and the 2nd time they actually could see a rim of bleeding under the sac which was bruising from implantation. i also have my 12 week scan on monday. you will be fine xxx
How's things today? X

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