Bleeding again :-(


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2010
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As you may or may not know I was admitted to hospital 2 weeks ago after I had some light bleeding. Because I have a low lying placenta the hospital admitted me for 24 hour observation as it can be quite a bad sign and can result in premature I've just wiped and found there is again some light bleeding :-( I know if I ring the hospital they'll make me come down and admit me and I really don't want that -cause last time the bleeding stopped straight away and baby was fine.

Am going to just monitor it for now, I can feel baby kicking - but if bleeding continues I'll probably have to go in again - fingers crossed, I think it's stopped, it was very light, but I'll definitely ring Triage at the maternity hospital if it carries on or gets worse. xx
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aww not so good. Yeah defo call if its worse u will know best hope its just a wee one off again and nothing more. x
I think you should ring hun! Huge *hugs* Oh and make sure someone helps you this time! Is your OH at home with you just now?

x x x x
OH isn't coming up at all this weekend, it's his weekend off, lol. But if I do end up going to Triage I will take a bag ready packed this time - still haven't been organised enough to get keys cut and given to friends to feed my cat though, I am so rubbish!! xx
As typical he wouldn't be up when this has happened lol. Would any of your neighbours be able to feed the cats? Has the bleeding stopped?
I sound more worried than you lol. X x x x

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if u ring and say uv had it b4 they would maybe say keep ur eye on it and not have to go in but if u had a little bleed do u not need the anti d again if u o neg? (or r u not o neg)
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Hope you are ok hun? Maybe you should just ring, just to let them know about it....
Oh poor you, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you. Is it pink or red, and have you got any cramping with it? i've had pink bleeding twice now but without cramping and both times it came to nothing, but best to get checked out if you have any pain as think they can give drugs to try to stop premature labour from starting if it turned out to be that.
I'm off to sleep hun. If you go in will you text Lexus and.let us know how you are? Will be thinking about you! X

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Aww hope you are OK hun and the bleeding has stopped please take it easy. xx
Awww don't worry Pinky, bless you for worrying! There is still a tiny bit of blood when I wipe, it's more a pinky discharge? It really is just a tiny amount and baby is still kicking so I'm not super worried....but if it continues I'll ring Triage in the morning. Yes I'll text Lex if I go in. Abby/Lou - the bleeding is supposed to be due to my low lying can be a sign that the placenta has ruptured or is falling away - and if it turns to serious bleeding they would have to deliver baby by emergency section....but it's really a tiny bit at the moment - not even enough to put a pad on, so I'll just keep an eye on it for now as last time it just stopped straight away xxx
give them a call, if only to settle you nerves. Hope everythings fine xxxx
Oh hunny! Just seen this! Hope it's eased off by now. Didn't wanna txt u in case I woke u up but let ms know how u r babe xxx
Hope it stopped Hun but if not please ring and check it out to be on the safe side xx
How are you today hun? Everything ok? X
Hey hun,

No sign of you today? I hope you're ok?


xxx x
Ladies I'll be real brief as 4% battery left!

Amanda txt to say she's back in hospital as the bleeding started again. Not masses but enough for her to make the sensible decision of taking herself in.

Bubba is fine and active but she has had an injection of steroids to mature bubba's lungs as she may have it early.

Will update u all wen I charge my phone and hear more! Oh yeah, she's better prepared this time too!!!


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