Bleeding.... I really hope this reassures...


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Hi girls,

So had my 20 week scan yesterday, everything looks perfectly healthy.... then about 9.30pm I started bleeding :( went straight to a + e about 10, i only came out at 5am today.

I didn't have any stomach pains, the bleeding had stopped 'coming out' as such but was still there when I wiped while I was waiting at the hospital. Most importantly, my baby girl was still very active... obviously hubby and I was still in a major panic! Finally saw the doc who brought a gynecologist to see me, he did an internal exam and confirmed my womb was closed and I'd stopped bleeding and everything seemed fine. He explained that sometimes bleeds can just happen in pregnancy, for no reason at all, tho of course if it does happen to get it checked ASAP whatever condition.

He also laid my Braxton Hicks fears to rest, they can happen at any time, some people just 'feel' them more than others. Again, as long as they're not severe and painless they're perfectly normal. I cannot tell you how relieved I am, just really needed to get this off my chest, haven't spoken to anyone about this yet (apart from OH). I really don't want this to scare anybody, hopefully it'll reassure that not all bleeds mean bad news, even though they should always be checked.

Hope everyone is ok :) xx
Must have been well scarey for you. You almost dont expect these sort of things after tri 1. I just want another few more weeks to pass quickly so baby has a chance if the worst happens, can just be one big worry this pregnancy thing! You do hear a lot of stories about people bleeding though and everything being fine. Thats good they mentioned the Braxton Hics as well as I had a few bad ones myself last night but they eased off, sometimes wonder if I over do it and cause them. Glad your ok, just need to take it easy for a bit x
That must have been so scary for you. I'm so glad everything turned out to be fine xxx
Thanks girls, Sarah13 - my BH were quite bad last night because I didn't drink enough while waiting and obviously I was stressing, so just seen the MW and she wants me to take at least 2 weeks off work... we're short staffed as it is but MW and OH said I need to start putting myself and baby first rather than thinking of everyone else first and I think I need to take their advice :p

Thats definitely good advice hun - make the most of it!!
Definitely rest if you need it! No elderly person ever thinks, "I should have worked more in my life". Glad to hear you are doing okay, but take it easy! Maybe it's a good time to sort out the baby's room a bit and do some leisurely shopping and lunches with friends :)
Good point, just feel so drained after the scare with BH last week (as explained in a different post) and what with happened last night :( My OH is an absolute godsend bless him, just been doing everything for me and taking care of me, so lovely, don't know what i'd do without him sometimes :) Just been to see my MW and I had a better meeting with her today, listened to baby girls heartbeat again and she's still going strong and kicking away. She explained that bleeds can happen for minor reasons or no reason at all sometimes, it makes me feel better about last night I'm just praying it doesn't happen again. xx
oh you must have had a difficult night! xx Very glad that everything is ok!! Hopefully it won't happen to you again - must be very scary.
Def sounds like you need to take that time off and chill out for a bit, you and baby come first just now x
What a scary time you've had - so glad all is well though it's lovely to hear that not all bleeds mean it's bad news. Put your feet up hon and enjoy the rest x x
Thanks for sharing hun- it's good to know that these things don't always mean there's a problem!
Def put your feet up and's hard to put yourself first at times but this is one time in your life when you should! Take care xxxx
Glad everything is well hun and thank you, you've reassured me.
I described what are apparently braxton hicks to you girls here on Pregnancy Forum in just the first trimester. I had no idea what they were! I'm still getting them, once a day if any. It got me worried because I thought it was too early for me to have them, but I too have been told they can happen any time and my mum has confirmed she had them all the time during her pregnancy. I take after her for having no physical morning sickness, so I guess I take after her for the braxton hicks too.

Thanks again and take care of yourself and bump! xxx
I'm glad it's reassured some of you, it's reassured me though I'm still praying it never happens again obviously!! When I was told that doing too much and not drinking enough effect how often and sometimes how intense BH are, I've tried to change that a lot as that's two things I'm guilty of - not resting enough and not drinking enough. But since I've been resting and keeping myself very hydrated I've noticed a big difference so it just goes to show how little things can make a difference :) x
Thanks for posting that. You've reassured me!!! I've been bleeding every day since week 10 and they can't find anything wrong with me. Sometimes it's so, so heavy as well :-(

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