Hi everyone, I was just wondering if somebody had similar experience...
This is my first pregnancy and so far it has been healthy and normal but at some point I started taking progesterone due to contractions and back pain I experienced one day due to overexertion, as i described to my doctor over the phone. Otherwise I continued living normally. On day 23+3 of my pregnancy I had sex and right after felt like cramp in my ovaries and started leaking dark pink blood. I went right to hospital where first diagnosis was that my water broke. The bleeding stopped almost immediately and did not come back (Thank you dear God). After a pile of antibiotics, telling me that baby will not survive and blah blah, in 3 days eventually they agreed nothing is wrong, the amount of amniotic fluid is the same and there are no infections... Not even one of the doctors from the hospital tried to talk to me about what could have been the cause of bleeding after intercourse. I was released from hospital at the beginning of week 24 and am home right now, feeling great.
I don't want to discuss health system in my country that's not my point (wish I was in US so I can sue the doctors for emotional distress though). I was just wondering if anyone of you girls had similar experience and what caused your bleeding after sex.
This is my first pregnancy and so far it has been healthy and normal but at some point I started taking progesterone due to contractions and back pain I experienced one day due to overexertion, as i described to my doctor over the phone. Otherwise I continued living normally. On day 23+3 of my pregnancy I had sex and right after felt like cramp in my ovaries and started leaking dark pink blood. I went right to hospital where first diagnosis was that my water broke. The bleeding stopped almost immediately and did not come back (Thank you dear God). After a pile of antibiotics, telling me that baby will not survive and blah blah, in 3 days eventually they agreed nothing is wrong, the amount of amniotic fluid is the same and there are no infections... Not even one of the doctors from the hospital tried to talk to me about what could have been the cause of bleeding after intercourse. I was released from hospital at the beginning of week 24 and am home right now, feeling great.
I don't want to discuss health system in my country that's not my point (wish I was in US so I can sue the doctors for emotional distress though). I was just wondering if anyone of you girls had similar experience and what caused your bleeding after sex.