ttc after mirena iud?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
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hello everyone,

I was just wondering if there is anyone who is (or was) trying to conceive after getting rid of their mirena (hormonal) iud (or coil)?

I still got my period for several month with this iud and then it stopped. I had it for 10 months and the fist 8 months I had bleedings, them it stopped and all of a sudden in the 10th month I got a bleeding again. the bleeding started and five days after (still bleeding) I had my iud removed. this was on friday and now (sunday) I am still bleeding. quite a lot a actually. e doctor told me that it will be normal to bleed for an average of five days after removing the mirena but that my cyclus is not interupted and that I am fertile as soon as the hormones are gone.

I am now wondering if the bleeding that started before I got rid of my iud was my period and if this bleeding is just of getting rid of the iud. I would love to become pregnant but I have no idea if I must count this cycle from the bleeding or after I got rid of the iud.

has anyone been in a similar situation and also how long did it take you to get pregnant?

thank you so much in advance. xx
Hi sorry I cannot help but did not want to read and run!

I am sure someone here will have some advice for you!

Good luck
thank you so much KMG. I really do hope there are ladies over here wth experience :)
I can help! I had to wait 6months to have it removed with an op as no one could find it. If I remember correctly I bled a lot for a while but I conceived just 2 months after :-) good luck. Xx
I can help! I had to wait 6months to have it removed with an op as no one could find it. If I remember correctly I bled a lot for a while but I conceived just 2 months after :-) good luck. Xx

thank you so much :D I got it removed at my gp and they found it easily luckily. I am hoping to become pregnant the first cycle I just don't know if it started already or maybe it didn't:wall2:
I think mine went on for two weeks. It wasn't that long ago but I have a memory like a sieve. All I can say is trying every 2-3days which is what's recommeneded and fingers crossed good news will follow shortly after. Best of luck x
I had mine out at the gp too. That was in October and we were ntnp until this cycle with no luck yet.
I think I bled for quite a while after I had it out though xx
hi helen,

i had my mirena removed in july last year and at first bleeding was very irregular, i would say that i didn't have a "normal" cycle until the month before my BFP (which was November).
i think that because of the hormones it seems to take a while for ovualation to return, as i didn't even get a positive opk until the month i conceived. like you i was told it would be pretty instant but it wasn't in my case. however, 4 months of ttc at 38 is pretty good going!

good luck hun - will happen soon!

clara xxx
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