
Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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James has got into a bad habit of biting me and DH. He bites me right on my shoulder when i pick him up and the other day he bit my boob and nearly took my nipple off - I hit the roof in agony. :cry: DH also has a big bruise on his thigh from where James has bitten him.
We say no to him sternly, and he cries/drippy lips for a second but then will do it there anything I can do to get him to stop this?? Its bloody painful!!
You say he does it when you pick him up, I would out him down straight away and nay no like you have been doing, leave him for a minute or so then try picking him up again. Not sure if it'll work but worth a try????
yeah sorry i do put him down which results in him crying/ drippy lip again. But he will still bite :wall:

He doesnt do it EVERYTIME you pick him up, just sometimes and especially if he is tired or excited
I had this a while ago and soon stopped it by saying no quite sharply, putting her down and letting her howl and ignored her so she soon got the idea. And if she did it again i would repeat the process.
Ouchie :hug:
We are lucky so far and haven't had this problem but he does push quite hard with frustration sometimes and we deal with it in exactly the same way you are already doing with James. It may not work at first but if you keep repeating it he should get the message eventually. :hug:
im waiting for the biting to start :( he attacks his toys but so far not me. but as for slapping, ouch hes terrible. soon as you pick him up if hes tired or excited he grabs chunks out of your face its really painful! i just shout no and put him on the floor and let him scream and sulk. hasnt made a bit of difference yet but im hoping he'll get the picture that mummy doesnt like having her face ripped apart!
We have a biter :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: lil miss will bite everyone and everything... my neighbours only speak Spanish but can probably say..."NO!!! NO BITING!" extremely well right now :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: We went through a stage of her biting me during feeding... I ended up not feeding her for a day and dumping her on the floor and walking away every time she did it... It soon stopped :rotfl: She's drawn blood before nipples and fingers... so shes quite nasty.. I dread when she's older.
millie bites in temper. she has almost drawn blood from me and boyf! :shock: and it bruises- and yes, those baby bites BLOODY hurt! brand new teeth are sharp...

i kind of do "time-out" when she tantrums- i just put her in the middle of the floor and give her NO attention if she bites me. she doesnt understand yet but still i tell her why im doing it. she usually tries to bite the floor :lol: and screams then calms down when she realises it gets her nowhere!

good luck :hug:
I feel for you I do, Paris was a sod for it :wall: she didn't stop until she was 3 :shock: Harrison nips instead.

Just carry on as you are doing x
Alex bites - he thinks it's hilarious.

Used to be only my boobs, but for the past few days he's taken to biting my legs. It's quite comical - he bum shuffles over to me, wraps his arms around my legs, and starts chewing my jeans and giggling. As long as it's only my jeans it doesn't hurt, but sometimes he nips through the jeans and that does hurt.

He bit Lydia's legs as well a couple of days ago and really hurt her.

I tell him off for biting but he thinks I'm being funny :roll:

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