Bit of an embarassing question!


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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Hey, I've had REALLY bad trapped wind the last couple of days and I'm wondering whether it's actually anything to do with early pregnancy (I'm 4-5wks), or if it's just me??? Thanks in advance! x
Yep its preggers related :lol: In my 4-6 weeks in got Irratable Bowel Syndrome BAD which ment painful bad wind and loo motions! Dont fret its a good sign :dance: xxx
I had really bad wind from 4-9 weeks! It's because your digestive system slows down to really get all nutrients out of the food you eat x x x
yeah i got IBS too and i got bad wind and i a bit constipated too :(
Yep pregnancy related. Not only did I become a hormone crazed luni but I farted my way through the 9 months as well :shock:
Yep! This pregnancy has brought on ibs! I've never had it before but every morning I wake up with bad stomachs and is relieved by goin for a number 2 (sorry!) my stomach is fine then! So I'm presuming it's ibs?
Well I suffer from IBS anyway so can cope with that! Yes Yodabo, sounds like how I get ibs anyway.
My mum's IBS stopped when she got pregnant so you never know, maybe it can work both ways round!
My IBS stopped completely when I cut out caffeine. Still farted my way through the 1st trimester and was terribly constipated. Only prune juice got me going.
OMG i am exactly the same, had bad constipation and really offensive farts!!! My OH hates it especially when were in bed - he he!!! x x x
I've had it too normally have bad bowel movements so fare being pregnant has sorted me out :-)
I'm exactly the same too and my stomach is SO bloated with trapped wind that my trousers don't do up properly :lol:
Lol, thought i'd add my voice here.

I havn't felt all that bloated but I must admit, I have been making plenty of un-ladylike noises from both ends! One of those neccissary evils of being PG I'd guess.


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