bit of advice please


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2008
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well I think I ov'd on Monday (had a bit of a dark line but not as dark as control then no line 2 days then faint line yesterday)

cause of the faint line (and I was horny) I wanted to bd. Hubby said no cause last month when I was 12 days late we did *it* and then af next day. he's worried about "bumping it" so i said it's way up and he said he didn't want to upset the egg by attacking it with more sperm :? hmmm.
Any thoughts about whether we cause the egg before (were bding before aand after dark line) and can take a break from peeing on the stick for now or if i should keep going, keep bding and just jump on hubby.

BASICALLY - is he being paranoid about last month or is it possible that it was the 'bumping' (doc reckoned I'd prob been pregnant that month)
Hi Rose x
What day were you on when you think you ov'd? If your were around or after 12 days then I'd say you were ok, but it also depends if your cycles are regular! By the sounds of it you ovulated, so I'd give the POAS a miss for a while, but bding should still be ok hun, everyone carrys on in the 2ww with out problems :hug:
that's what i thought but he's dead stressed cause last time i felt sick and dizzy for a bit so we didn't do it for a week - then when we finall did (when i was on day 44 of cycle) i got af the next morning.
think i ov on day 18 (monday) and am on day 22 now, just checked - so pretty sure i ov'd already.

so you reckon it's safe?
I'm sure you bd'ing after ov is not going to do any harm to you whatsoever. Just think of the thousands of women who don't even know they're pregnant who carry on as normal. We carried on after ov and nothing untoward's ever happened to me.
I think your OH is just being over cautious but there's no need to be.

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